Pieces of My Heart
“Making the decision to have a child – it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ” – Elizabeth Stone The idea for this post came from my tweet last week when I returned from Mexico. What I tweeted at that point was: “Home from Mexico. Left pieces of my heart there but thankful to be back to the ones here who hold the largest chunks!” Then a little earlier this week, I watched two pieces of my heart drive off to the high school – one to his last first day of public school and the other to a new…
Kids, You’d Better Respect My Wife!
Recently, we were blessed to hear brother John DeBerry preach in a Gospel Meeting. In one of those lessons, he talked about the family and spent a great deal of time talking about the need for children to respect their parents. He recounted a story about a time when he, as a young boy, did not show respect to his mother. His dad came in and quickly reminded him that he was not just disrespecting his mother, but “my woman!” On a few occasions, I have done the same thing with my children. When I have felt they were getting just a little too big for their britches, I changed…
Parenting 101
It has been many years since I was at the height of parenting. As most of you know, our children are grown, married, and have children of their own. They lead busy lives caring for and teaching those children. When you are going through all of the daily care and disciplining (teaching) of your children, it may seem like it will never end. They will never learn how to do things on their own. They will never be able to feed, clothe, and sustain themselves. And then it happens…they are grown and out on their own. It dawns upon you that eighteen years of time to train your children, which seemed so long in the…
The Goal of Christian Parenting in One Statement
It is not easy to be a parent, and it seems to be more and more difficult to be a Christian parent each day. As our society drifts further away from Biblical principles and purity, instilling those things in our children only becomes more against the grain. But have you ever thought that the entire goal of being a Christian parent can be summarized in just one statement? That said, it is a statement that every Christian dad and mom need to have in mind with every decision they make. It is a statement you emphasize when you tell your child that they will not dress like everyone else, but…
Episode 107: Bored Kids Are…a Good Thing? [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) With summer moving along, a lot of kids complain about being bored. How parents handle that can be of major importance. Today, Adam and Leah talk about how kids being bored is not a bad thing, and can actually be good for them! Resource Why It’s Important to Return to the Lazy Summers of Our Youth [Today Parenting] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
Episode 106: What Do Our Kids Hear Us Say about the Church? [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) What we say around our kids matters. What we say around them about the Church could matter eternally. This week on the podcast, Adam and Leah use an article by Neal Pollard to discuss how parents can make sure they are dealing with conversations about the church in a way that is uplifting and helpful. Resource “What are We Saying about the Church?” [Neal Pollard] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher…
Do You Know What Your Kids are Doing?
In the last few months in the United States, we have been bombarded with shootings at our schools. It even hit very close to home when there was a shooting at the Marshall County High School close to our home here in Paducah, Kentucky. Several were wounded and two young people lost their lives. I have listened to countless interviews with those who were affected by the shootings. I have watched as anxious parents grabbed their children and cried tears of joy when they realized that their child was not among those who were wounded or killed. One particular statement made by the parent of one of the shooters has haunted me in…
The Good Old Summertime
I love summer. The sun, the sleeping later, the reading, the yard work, the ability to be productive and still have some free time left in the day. I was reflecting on something today and realized one of the reasons I like summer so much. I was thinking about how much fun I had earlier laughing with my children. As I considered that, it led me to ask this question: “Do you all like me better in the summer?” The analytical one said something about not liking more or less dependent on the season. One said, “What? I don’t know. I mean I like you the whole year.” But, one…
Episode 105: Teaching Kids that the Bible is Truth [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Children need to know that the Bible is not just a “storybook,” but that it contains the Truth. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah discuss the importance of teaching this to children, and share some tips to make sure we are instilling this into kids. Resource “The Real World” [Charlene Notgrass] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
Where is the Bottleneck?
A “bottleneck” is defined on as: 1. a. A narrow or obstructed section, as of a highway or a pipeline. b. A point or an area of traffic congestion. 2. A hindrance to progress or production. 3. The narrow part of a bottle near the top. 4. Music A style of guitar playing in which an object, such as a piece of glass or metal, is passed across the strings to achieve a gliding sound. 5. Biology An abrupt and severe reduction in the number of individuals during the history of a species of a population, often resulting in the loss of diversity from the gene pool. For our…