
  • Family,  Parenting

    Cousin’s Camp

    The theme is selected! T-shirts have been ordered! Craft materials are being purchased! Prizes are being collected! It’s that time of year again — time for Cousin’s Camp at our house. In case you’re wondering what Cousin’s Camp is – here’s your answer. Cousin’s Camp is a gathering of all of our grandchildren at our house for a weekend of fun, food (physical and spiritual), and a little bit of foolishness. I borrowed the idea from my dear friend and sister in Christ, Sheila Butt, and tweaked it a bit to fit our family. Why have it? I wanted to make sure that our grandchildren would get to spend quality time with their cousins. You see, since our…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    Concrete for Kids

    Don’t worry: I’m not advocating crazy levels of labor for children, and I’m not giving you some idea for how to keep your kids in one place! Instead, this post is actually about teaching children the Bible, both in our homes and in the Bible class program in local congregations. We must be concrete. Here is what I mean: as adults, we know a great deal about the Bible and about how to apply it to various aspects of our lives. We can often think on a very philosophical level and deal in matters that are more abstract. And that is a good thing, because it means that we are…

  • Family,  Parenting

    The Blessing and Curse of Having a Tender Heart

    I want to raise children who are tender-hearted. I don’t want them to become like Pharaoh of old, when the Bible says that he “hardened his heart” (Exodus 7:13, I don’t want them to have a conscience that is seared and can scarcely be touched any longer (1 Timothy 4:2). But having a tender heart can seem to be a curse. A tender heart is one that is more likely to be broken. It is easier to take advantage of someone with a tender heart. People with tender hearts often take longer for those hearts to heal than those who are hardened by life. So, why would I want my child…

  • Family,  Homeschooling,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 103: 6 Subtle Ways to Fill Your Children’s Minds with Scripture [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) On this week’s program, Adam is flying solo, but shares a quick list of simple ways every parent can have the Word of God constantly before their children. See the list of suggestions below. The Six Suggestions Use Biblical language. Tie everything, from events to rules, to Biblical teachings. Listen to worship music. Or sing it! Ask about Bible school Have Biblical literature throughout the house. Include lots of stuff from Apologetics Press! Let them see you reading/studying the Bible Have Bible verses everywhere (artwork, pillow covers, etc.) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe…

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  • Family,  Parenting

    The Best Lesson of the Day

    Recently, as Leah said, we had to do some “carschooling.” One of the advantages of homeschooling is that school can travel, and that had to be the case just a few days ago. On the trip, there was a math lesson, a Bible reading, some geography work, and some history reading. It was not an intense day of school, but some lessons got completed and progress was made. However, the best lesson of the day was not one that Leah had planned for the trip, nor one that the principal (that would be me) had in mind. Instead, it was one that the kids started on their own, and one…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 102: Using Year-Round Lads to Leaders Events in Your Home [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Lads to Leaders is a great program, but many families do not realize how many things it offers that can be utilized to help teach your children to learn–and live–the Bible, right in your own home. On this program, Adam and Leah talk about some of the “year-round” events that families can utilize for just this purpose. The events they discuss include Centurion of Scripture, Read the Word, Keepers, Providers, Year Round Bible Reading/Study, Second Language, Bible Bowl, and Year-Round Bulletin Board. More links can be found below. Resources Mentioned in This Episode Lads to Leaders…

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  • Church Life,  Family,  Homeschooling,  Parenting

    Two Free Resources for Overviewing Exodus with Your Kids [Free Printables]

    It was announced last weekend that the book being emphasized by Lads to Leaders for the 2019 convention will be the book of Exodus. Even if you are not involved in Lads to Leaders, however, we want to share two resources with you that you might want to consider using in your family Bible time or homeschool. Both of these are available for free and are in pdf format. Resource #1: Overview of Exodus This pdf contains three parts, each designed to help young people grasp the “big picture” of Exodus. In the following pdf, you will find: (1) “10 Facts about Exodus,” (2) a simple outline of the…

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  • Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    3 Reminders for Parents on Dates

    Last week, Leah and I got to go on a date. In fact, it was a big date…we stayed overnight in a hotel and everything! (When you have kids, this qualifies as a big deal.) Sometimes, husbands and wives give up “dating” when they have children. There is so much going on in life that those evenings away–just one-on-one–seem to be put on the backburner. However, it is precisely because you are so busy that you need those times. They do not have to be anything big and fancy. Just a dinner out or even a picnic in the park makes for a great evening and much-needed time with one another. But, because…

  • Family,  Parenting,  Tech

    Time in the Social Media World is Time I’m Not in Their World

    Today’s article is for me. It is about me, and it is to me. If you get anything out of it, that’s just a bonus. It is an article that had been bouncing around my mind for a little while, then two statements on the same day basically forced me to write it. The first conversation happened just after worship Sunday morning. We got home and Leah was finishing up lunch. The kids were each playing with little toys the floor of the living room and I was tired from teaching and preaching. But, with this article bouncing around my head, I got in the floor and played just for…

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  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting,  Tech

    Episode 101: Raising Children Who are Willing to Go Against the Flow [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Children (and adults) want to fit in, but as Christians, we must go against the flow of culture. In this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah use two articles (links found below) to discuss why it is essential to teach our children to swim upstream in small decisions, so they will do so with big decisions later. Resources Raising Your Kids to Go Against the Flow (We are THAT Family) You Don’t Have to Give Your Kid a Phone (Your Mom has a Blog) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith…

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