Episode 80: The Big Picture of Parenting, No Complaining Day, Manners for Toddlers, and More! [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) For the 80th episode of the podcast, Adam and Leah go a little long, but hopefully share some things that will touch every parent’s heart. They talk about how we need to see the big picture in parenting and not the everyday frustrations. They talk about their recent “no complaining” day and what a difference it made. And Leah tries to guess a list of 10 manners every toddler should learn. Enjoy it all, and more, on this week’s show. Links below. Resources “The Day My Child Lost Her Joy–And What I Did to Revive It”…
Episode 79: 100 Verses Resource, Expenses Parents Don’t Need, Surprising Parenting Statistics, and More! [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) On our latest podcast, Adam and Leah spend some time sharing family updates, then discuss a great article about how parents can cut expenses by thinking about what is most important. Finally, they discuss some research from the Kaiser Family group that is a bit surprising (and sad). Find the links below. Resources 100 Verses to Know from 1st and 2nd Corinthians [pdf from A Legacy of Faith] 8 Kid Expenses that Are Not Worth the Money, According to Real Parents [Healthy Way] Sex on TV 4 [pdf from Kaiser Family Foundation] More from A Legacy…
Why We Like Year-Round Lads to Leaders Events
The national Lads to Leaders convention has just been completed. Countless hours were spent preparing for this big weekend, and our kids had a blast! We came home excited…but also exhausted. So why am I already writing about preparing for the 2018 convention? Because we love the year-round events, and today I want to encourage you to be involved in them (even if you are not involved with Lads to Leaders!). What are Year-Round Events? When most people think of Lads to Leaders, all they consider is the convention that is held annually on Easter weekend. At that convention, young people are involved in speech, debate, song leading, oral Bible…
Episode 78: Lads to Leaders 2017 [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah are joined by some very special guests to talk about Lads to Leaders and why we are looking forward to going in a few days. Below, you will find several resources about Lads to Leaders to help you think about this good program for your family or the congregation where you worship. Resources Lads to Leaders [homepage] Lads to Leaders Facebook Page “How Lads to Leaders Can Help Families” [A Legacy of Faith; May 15, 2015] “A Tool for Growing Families” [The Colley House; April 9, 2010] “Five Minutes…
[Quote] Parents Need to Step Up with Their Sons
Source: Dr. Meg Meeker, Boys Should be Boys: 7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons, page 224
A Poem Every Parent Needs to Remember
Today’s post is very simple. It is a poem that you have probably heard before, but that every parent needs to keep in mind as we seek to raise those precious treasures God has given to us. The poem is called “When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking,” and the author is Mary Rita Schlike Korazan. We hope it encourages us all. When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I wanted to paint another one. When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals. When you thought…
Yes, Our Kids Are Sheltered in Their Entertainment. Yes, We Want It That Way.
Our family loves movie night! On Friday nights when we are at home, odds are we will have a simple supper and sit down in our living room to watch a movie. It’s been a tradition now for 4 or 5 years, and we love it. We also enjoy going to movies sometimes. While it is expensive, we enjoy making it a special outing. We don’t go see every “kids’ movie” that is produced, because we want a trip to the movies to be special. Though we watch quite a few movies, have a couple of favorite TV shows on DVD, and enjoy listening to the radio at times, we…
Episode 76: Reflections on Louisville, Dealing with Entertainment Choices, You Can Get Your Family to Worship on Time, and More! [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah talk about some recent goings-on, they discuss how Christians can deal with entertainment choices, and encourage families with tips to get ready for worship. Plus, they talk a little college basketball. It is March, after all! Resources below. Links Is Genesis History? [Homepage] “To Go or Not to Go…” [Amber Tatum; A Legacy of Faith] “6 Tips for Getting to Church On Time” [Of the Hearth] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on…
[Quote] For All You Busy Parents Who are Struggling
SOURCE: For Better or For Kids by Patrick & Ruth Schwenk. (Page 220)
Episode 75: Leah Goes to Louisville, 3 Things We Put on Every Month’s Calendar, Parents: Don’t be Fearful, and More! [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) In episode 75 of the podcast, Adam and Leah talk about an upcoming homeschool retreat Leah will be speaking at. They also talk about three things they put on every month’s calendar. For quite awhile, they talk about a great article (link below) that helps parents see that do not need to fear; they just need to parent. Oh, and both Adam and Leah forget what the capital of Kentucky is. We hope you enjoy this week’s episode. Resource Print-A-Calendar (for March 2017) Dear Younger Me: About All Those Things You Fear [Hip Homeschool…