Training Your Children for Worship 1: A Devotional on Worship {Free Printable}
In our latest podcast, Leah and I talked about the importance of training our children for worship. Also in that podcast, we mentioned how we are going to be sharing some posts and printables to help you do that. We have settled on four posts–to be released on Wednesdays–and today is the first in those posts. The importance of a family discussing things in the home cannot be overstated. Through family devotionals, a family can gain a great deal of closeness and can focus more clearly on connecting with God. These times are also wonderful training grounds to discuss areas in which we want our children to grow. (By the…
On Disruptive Children in Worship
As a preacher, I get asked a lot of interesting questions. Often, people are just seeking my opinion on a matter, while at other times, they are questions about how certain things affect (or don’t) my work. One of the more common questions I get asked is along these lines: Do crying babies bother you when you are preaching? My immediate answer is “No!” I can honestly say that, probably only once or twice, has a child’s “disruption” disrupted me while preaching. Thankfully, I have been told that it wasn’t noticed by those listening. Instead, it was all in just my train of thought and trying to keep my thinking straight.…
Episode 7 : Training Your Children for Worship {Podcast} Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here to listen on the site) Welcome to “A Legacy of Faith,” the podcast. In this episode, Leah and Adam try to encourage parents in ways they can help not just teach their children about worship, but train them to be active and joy-filled participants in worshiping God. They also introduce an exciting set of resources that will be released for free on the blog, starting next Wednesday. Suggestions 1. Discuss worship often (and not just in the building) 2. Design ways to engage the minds of children. (To get all blog posts, including the Wednesday posts that will…
Parenting Through the Storms of Life
Earlier this week, we had a thunderstorm in the middle of the night. While it did not last very long, it was quite strong. In fact, at about 1:05 AM, I heard the loudest clap of thunder I believe I have ever heard. Immediately, both of our kids were awake, and I was checking on them. The imagery of storms is often used to describe difficult times in life. We speak of the “storms of life” as a way to talk about times of loss, struggle, or depression. Just as children need us during literal storms, they need parents during those storms of life, too. What can parents do to…
Adrian Peterson and Biblical Discipline
[Note: During the month of October, our friends at The Light Network are releasing program to raise awareness about domestic violence. I was interviewed for an upcoming episode of the program “Culture Shock” on the issue of disciplining children. In connection with that, I submit the following article as part of their “blog hop,” helping to promote awareness. To learn more, visit this page on their website. –Adam] I am a fan of sports. I have been geared up for the beginning of the new NFL season, and have enjoyed watching a few minutes of action so far this season. But the off the field news around the National Football…
5 Mistakes Parents Keep Making
As I write this I am scooting my chair up to the table and fastening a bib around my neck in order to keep from allowing any humble pie to get on my clothes. Parenting is tough! I have made and continue to make many mistakes. I constantly pray to God for help and forgiveness. But thankfully, with God as my heavenly parent and with His manual close by, in this process of being a father I am learning. Through my own misguided struggles as well as my observations of others, I would like to share with you five major mistakes parents continually make. Some parents worship their children rather…
Surprising News about Steve Jobs (and Other Tech People)
I realize that this post may be VERY lengthy, but I thought it was worth considering. A few weeks ago I wrote about our society being a “non-connected connected society.” The words below are a portion of a transcript of Dr. Albert Mohler’s podcast; The Briefing. What he said is, in my opinion, surprising and very important. I hope you’ll take the time to read his words and the words of those whom he quoted. –Jim Faughn Tech executive parents understand vulnerability of children to technology As I said, we live in a very ironic age – and in this case, a new irony comes to light. Sometimes it takes an unbeliever…
30 Life Lessons from “The Cosby Show”
Over the weekend, “The Cosby Show” celebrated the 30th anniversary of its debut on NBC. Yes, just typing that makes me feel old. While this is not a perfect TV show, I believe it is the best regular series in this history of television. It was legitimately humorous, and didn’t feel the need to be scandalous. It was morally clean almost all the way through, and even gave families something positive to talk about, instead of trying to sheepishly avoid certain topics usually discussed on television. So, in honor of the 30th anniversary of “The Cosby Show,” today we share with you 30 life lessons. Some are humorous and some…
I Want My Kids to Know Grace
I am 41, married, and have three children, ages 13, 10, and 7. I am a Christian. I am ready for Jesus to come today. I am ready not because I am perfect, but because I have obeyed the gospel according to the grace of God. I am also ready because I will admit I have some safety about it in my mind. You see, my wife is a Christian, my oldest son is a Christian, and my two youngest are still sinless and therefore safe. The 10 year-old is heading to the place where innocence will soon be lost. But for now, I have the selfish confidence of knowing…
Momma’s Fresh Peach Pie {Recipe}
It’s that time of year again. The peaches are ripe and plentiful. I know a little bit about peaches because that was my dad’s favorite fruit. This time of year always stirs some memories within me now that both of my parents are gone. Dad would spend more than he normally would for this precious fruit just because he loved it so much. Oh, he complained a lot about the price, but he still bought the peaches. What I remember even more vividly than his love for peaches was the way my mother would always use them to please him. She peeled and sliced them and served them for breakfast…