“The Wolf of Wall Street” and a Vanishing Conscience
506. According to Variety magazine, that is how many times a movie-goer who sees the film “The Wolf of Wall Street” will hear one particular curse word. You read that correctly. In the three-hour (exactly) movie, just one curse word is used over five-hundred times. It averages out to 2.8 occurrences per minute over the course of the 180 minute film. I have seem some Christians on social media mentioning this “extreme” use of language. Thankfully, they are not people who have seen the movie, but those who are just reporting–as I am in this post–this awful use of language. Listening to the radio the other day, we heard a dj mention this…
2013 Blog Year in Review, and Goals for 2014
2013 is almost over. (I know. I can’t believe it, either.) This has been an a very busy year for us, but one that has also been wonderful. Our work at Lebanon Road continues to go well, and we continue to be more and more grateful for this wonderful congregation. It was announced a few months ago that we are adding a fourth minister to the ministry team, and we look forward to Andrew Pate beginning his work with us on January 8. We are spending a lot of time in prayer, asking God to bless this time of stepping out in faith. As far as this site goes…what a…
Big News: Video Summer Series!
For quite a while, we have had to keep this news a secret, but now we can let it out, and we are thrilled. For many congregations, the summer is disjointed. Not only are many families in and out with travels, but other activities dominate the calendar, such as camps, VBS, Gospel Meetings, and mission trips. Most congregations have at least one or two of these each summer, and, as wonderful as they are, they can disrupt a schedule. Some years ago, the summer series came in vogue, partially as a way to keep the summer somewhat connected around all these things. However, some congregations cannot afford to have a…
A Video Appeal: Join Our Email List!
Got 4 minutes? Then we want to give you 5 reasons why you should join our email list! Enjoy the video. (Video not playing? Click here to view on YouTube.) Now that you know why you should sign up, go right here to sign up, and we’ll send you your free eBook!
The Faughn Family Christmas Buying Guide : 20 Gifts You Can be Proud to Give
So, you need some Christmas gift ideas. Okay, you probably don’t, since there are a bazillion commercials, ads, and web sites giving you ideas. But we want to add our voice to that list. In fact, our goal is to give you 20 items that are (1) affordable, (2) actually good stuff, and (3) in line with Christian values. Oh, and these are not our Christmas list; they are things we either have and enjoy or think you might find to be “just right” for someone on your list. All of the links below are to Amazon (unless noted otherwise), so just click over, purchase, enjoy having the gifts sent…
Why Every Christian Should Have an Online–and Offline–Presence
[Note: Today’s post has a lot of links in it. Some are to our own stuff, but not all of them. We wanted to “share the love” with some who are doing great things online. So, as you have a moment, click through and see how people are using many different tools to teach and encourage.] We live in the digital age. From websites to YouTube channels to the world of hashtags that is Twitter, we are inundated with information, entertainment, and social connections at a seemingly never-ending pace. With information shared visually on Pinterest and vlogs, comments flying on websites and message boards, and “likes” climbing on Facebook, interaction…
Helping You be Thankful, One Pin at a Time
November is the month that contains my favorite holiday: Thanksgiving. For years, I have said that this holiday is my favorite, and it isn’t all that close. But, as we often say, we need to be thankful for more than just one day out of the year. Some have used social media to pass along something for which they are thankful every day for the month of November. That’s a great way to build up gratitude in our lives. We want to take that a step further this month, and we want to help us all be more thankful. One of my boards on Pinterest is called “Quotes of Faith…
Christian Vegetation and the TV Set
We live in a “veg out” society. We work very hard, and there are times when we just want to sit in front of the TV set and mindlessly flip through channels for a few minutes. At other times, we just want to have the tube on and watch a TV show that doesn’t make us think. Let me say at the outset of this post, that I am not saying that doing this is always wrong. We need to rest, and some people find that just having the TV on is a good way to let their brain wind down from a hard day. However, I want to challenge…
Seven Good Things Week : iPreach
Welcome to “Seven Good Things Week.” This is the final post this week, and I am tremendously grateful for your interaction with the posts. We hope all the “things” we have shared this week have encouraged you. Today, we share something that’s been around awhile, but continues to grow. Almost exactly 6 years ago, Dale Jenkins and I got together with the idea of starting a podcast designed to help preachers. I had thought about starting a personal podcast, and Dale had had the idea before of a ministry podcast. We put our ideas together, and iPreach was born. Though the first few episodes were very rough, a few people…
Why We Retooled One Podcast Before It Even Got Off the Ground … and Started Another One
When we relaunched our blog in early June, one of the big parts of the launch was a family podcast. A ton of work went into getting some things lined up for the launch of The Faughn Family Podcast, which was scheduled to begin on August 1. Well, “the best laid plans of mice and men…” The Faughn Family Podcast is still going to launch on August 1, but we have done a lot of thinking in the last couple of weeks, and have decided to retool the show a bit, even before it starts. Originally, we were going to produce a weekly program, and had already recorded four of…