Another Blog?
Maybe you noticed our blog looks a little different. Okay, maybe it looks a lot different. There is a reason for that, and it’s not just the need to change. We have started another blog. Our other blog is going to focus on pictures of our family, and will be updated irregularly. You’ll want to add it to your feed reader, though, so you can see all our updates. Most of the blog will be pictures of our kids as they grow up, and we hope they will enjoy seeing this over the years. Enjoy our hew site, “Our Memory Book,” by clicking here. Since that site has more of…
7 Resources to Help You Control Your Media Consumption
We live in a media-saturated society. (Ironic that you just read that on a media device!) No matter what we might say, we cannot avoid media. From TV to books, from the Internet to movies, from music to talk radio, from magazines to newspapers, and in scores of other ways, we are constantly bombarded with messages. I like to interact with several forms of the media, but many Christians think that, since it’s entertainment, anything is okay. Such is not the case! Romans 1 ends by reminding us that we are not to take pleasure in them who are involved in acts of sin. So, when we allow ourselves to…
Friday Links 101: Where Do the Links Come From?
Being out of town this week, I tried to stay up-to-date on my blog reader, but, I’ll admit, I wasn’t able to read each post closely. However, one of my goals this week was to drop a few blogs that have not updated in some time, while adding a few others. The more I use rss through my Google reader, the more I like getting articles and posts this way. While it is hard to read tons of posts in a word-for-word fashion, it is a great way to get a lot of information in one place. If you are unfamiliar with Google Reader (or “rss”), here are two things…
A LOT of Ways Preachers Can Use Evernote
If you read our blog often at all, you know I love Evernote. The more I use this online tool, the more I like it. Evernote has become a way of life for me. If you don’t know what Evernote is, here’s a quick rundown. If you want to remember something in the online world, Evernote is your tool. What can you save? Here’s a partial list: typed notes, web clips, pictures, emails, tweets, scans, audio notes, and far more. Everything you put into Evernote then becomes fully searchable (by title, by tags, and by text), and you can retrieve this information anywhere you can be online. There is the…
4 Desktop Applications that I Use Almost Daily
Nearly anyone uses a word processing program. Many use PowerPoint or KeyNote to make presentations. These, and other programs, are common programs that help us do our work. But there are countless programs you can download to your desktop to help with online functions. As much time as I spend on my computer, you might think I have dozens of these. Actually, I only have four! Here they are, and the reason I use them. iTunes. Okay, it might cheating a bit to list iTunes, but I use it for my information. I have only downloaded about a half-dozen songs in the years this program has been available. Instead, I…