The December 10 (2011 Edition) : Year-End MegaRemix!
It’s the end of 2011. Yes, I know…that’s hard to believe. As I said last Sunday, I was just getting used to writing “2011” on my checks, and now I have to learn something new. Well, for the final links roundup of the year, we’ve got tons of great stuff planned for you. Let’s call it a MegaRemix, except that I have no idea how to use cool club language, so that’s where the comparisons to a remix end. So, we’ll just divide this post into 6 parts of the mix. Enjoy! MIX #1: A BLOG ANNOUNCEMENT I rarely post on the blog on Sundays, but you’ll want to check…
“Greater Things” Thursday #52 : How to Kick off a New Year
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things. ——————- Before sharing this week’s “greater thing,” I want to say a quick “thank you.” This is the final post in this series that has run the entirety of 2011. Several of you have shared comments and have said that either this series or some specific posts have helped you and given you ideas. That was our intention and if we have accomplished that, to God be the glory. There are many more good works that Lebanon…
“Greater Things” Thursday #51: Lebanon Road
Lebanon Road’s theme for 2011 is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for Greater Things. ——————————— Okay, so this may seem like a cop-out. You may think I have run out of ideas for these posts right at the end of the year, but that is not true. This is a post that probably should have been right at the beginning, but I saved it until near the end (yes, there is one more to go next week, but I’ve had that one lined up for a long time). Lebanon Road…
“Greater Things” Thursday #50: Six Holiday Activities
Lebanon Road’s theme for 2011 is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to the theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things. —————————- First off, let me thank you. Yesterday’s post on some churches moving their services off of Christmas Day is already the most-read post in the history of our blog! So many of you shared it on Facebook and Twitter that it has “made the rounds.” I don’t think it would quite qualify as “viral,” but I am still thankful for the nearly 300 people that read the post from when it was posted through midnight last…
Guest Post from Brad Harrub
Earlier today, I saw a post on Facebook from Brad Harrub. Brad works at Focus Press and is a great worker in the Kingdom. His post truly caught my eye, and I asked him if I could reproduce it here. He graciously gave me permission, and I am doing so in full. He called his post “It’s Not All about the Election.” Everything from here on are the words of brother Harrub. —————————————- Sorry, but I’ve gotta preach a little this morning. Many Christians are looking toward the November 2012 elections in hopes that a conservative president is put in office who can “fix” things. Is that what the first…
“Greater Things” Thursday #49: Holiday Banquet
Lebanon Road’s theme for 2011 is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to the theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things. —————————- Congregational fellowship is a huge part of any church family. Getting together to enjoy one another’s company is so important, and it promotes far more than just a “good time.” It helps build unity, and helps generations work together for the common good. One event at Lebanon Road that is a night of fellowship is our annual Holiday Banquet. This is truly a special night! We enjoy a catered meal (that is absolutely amazing), as…
Mini-Post: Link to Financial Article by…Yours Truly
Do you struggle to keep going with your financial plans? I had a guest post on ChristianPF.com today that I think will encourage you. Here is the link to the article: http://christianpf.com/encouragement-for-difficult-times-keep-going/
Mini-Post: Good Christmas List (link)
My friend Dale Sadler shares 7 tips to help you avoid the “blues” this holiday season. These tips are very practical, and I think you’ll benefit from them. http://www.insearchformore.com/2011/12/christmas-food-family-friends.html
Video: Sermon Preview for Sunday, December 4, 2011
Here’s a 2-minute video, previewing our Sunday morning sermon at Lebanon Road. Hope it encourages you to be with us. For more, visit www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org
Mini-Post: Link to New York Times
Siri, Apple’s voice-recognition system, has come under fire. The reason is just one more way to show how far the pro-choice crowd is willing to go. Here is the article: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/30/apple-says-siris-abortion-answers-are-a-glitch/