Disagreeing without Being Disagreeable
Dealing with people, disagreements are sure to come. These disagreements are not always a bad thing, either. If we can keep the conversation civil and informative, we learn a great deal by working through disagreements. Whether in face-to-face conversations, phone calls, or even through email and social media, disagreements are expressed through words. However, if we are not careful, we can let a disagreement spiral downward into something is unproductive as best, and downright destructive at worst. Since we know that disagreements are sure to come, how can we still have positive communication experiences? Following are five suggestions, none of which I am perfect at, but that I know will…
I Remember Thanksgiving
I remember Thanksgiving. 30 years ago, in 2014, we celebrated with turkey and dressing around a large table near Jasper, Alabama with Leah’s family. We talked to my family on the phone. For one day, everything seemed to be slower and life was centered around things that were important. But that was 30 years ago, and this is 2044. Oh how times have changed. Now we still get together with family on this day, but we all have to take a vacation day from work. It is no longer considered a true “holiday.” Some schools are out, but only because they haven’t had to use this late November Thursday as…
Friday, Um, Non-Finds?
Each week, we publish our Family Friendly Finds on Friday. This week, to be honest, we just did not get it done. Between moving and having our internet turned off early at the house, there was no way to piece together the links as we usually do. Also, we are taking next week a little lighter. We currently have just two posts scheduled, and may just stick with that schedule. Our goal is to be back with our usual number of posts on Monday, December 1. Thanks for understanding, and thanks for continuing to come back to A Legacy of Faith!
A Labor Day News Dump
Sometimes, you just have to get a lot of stuff out that may not be something for a full post. Today, we thought we’d take advantage of the Labor Day holiday to share with you several items in a rapid fire way. Enjoy your holiday! Leah’s PtP Slideshow First, at last week’s Polishing the Pulpit, Leah presented a class to ladies on modest clothes for young girls. We thought you might find her PowerPoint interesting, so, here you go… Speaking of Polishing the Pulpit… What an amazing crowd! I don’t remember the exact attendance at the 2013 PtP, but it was about 2800. This year, there were over 3600 who…
A Legacy of Faith @PtP2014
Each year, we anticipate attending Polishing the Pulpit. This great event is held annually in Sevierville, Tennessee, and will be attended by around 3000 people in 2014. Today, we want to share with you some ways to learn about this great event, and how you can keep up with us during the week. PtP Resources To learn more about PtP, use the following links. Homepage 2014 Schedule [pdf] My Biggest Takeaway from Polishing the Pulpit [A post I wrote after the 2013 convention] 7 Reasons Why you should Go to Polishing the Pulpit [Andy Brewer] Our Speaking/Leading Schedule If you look at the schedule, you may notice that some of…
3 Quick Announcements
While we try to deliver quality content to you each day, every so often we need to take a post to simply share some updates and announcements. Today, we want to share three quick announcements with you that we think will be of interest. 1. Removal of Ads When our site relaunched about 6 weeks ago, you may have noticed that, on the right-hand sidebar there were a couple of advertising boxes. These help us offset the costs of our site, but very little. So, sometime today, we are removing them. We are doing that for two reasons. First, they are distracting. While we tried to keep the boxes fairly…
Welcome to “A Legacy of Faith”
After time in prayer, planning, and work, we are thrilled to unveil a dream come true today. Welcome to “A Legacy of Faith.” A Legacy of Faith has as its design bringing together the “Faughn/Tatum crew” to help you and your family do more than just survive today. We want to help you look forward to the future and prepare for eternity. While we have several things planned for the future, this blog will be the main hub for the foreseeable future. Here’s the great part, though: this site will no longer contain my writing only. We are bringing together our entire family to share helpful content with you on…
Politically Correct Fairy Tales
We love reading to our children. There are so many reasons this is true. One reason, though, is that we can choose to instill so many positive values in them through our selection of stories and literature. While a lot of books and stories are basically just “fun,” we try to expose them to positive, encouraging, and moral stories that we hope will build within them a desire to be the best they can be. And that’s why I’m thankful that many of the tales were written before the era of political correctness. In our “everyone is equal” and “no one loses” world, I can only imagine how certain fairy…
Thankful Thursdays {February 27, 2014 edition}
It’s time for another Thankful Thursday, where we simply ask for your prayer requests. This week, we are asking for some attribute of God for which you are thankful. Part of our prayers should be that we praise God, so what is an attribute of God that you are thankful for? Share in the comments! NOTE: The prayer for this week will be at about 9PM (Central time) this evening, so leave your comments before then, please. ——————— Don’t Miss a Post! Subscribe via email to get every post for free, and get a FREE eBook.
Thankful Thursdays {February 20, 2014}
This is our 2nd installment of “Thankful Thursdays.” The idea is simple: leave a comment with a prayer request and we will take the time pray for you. THIS WEEK, we are asking you to put in some things you are especially grateful for right now. So, leave a comment about something you want to thank God for today! NOTE: Today, we will be praying around 6:30PM Central time, so please leave a comment by then.