
Equip Network Week Post #1: What Is This Thing?

As many of you know, I am a cohost on a weekly podcast called iPreach. Dale Jenkins and I started recording this podcast about 2 years ago, and we have now done over 110 episodes. Each week, we try to live up to the purpose of our show which is “to aid, enlighten, inform, and entertain preachers.”

When Dale and I started iPreach, to be honest, we had no idea how long we would keep the program going. While we had a few “fuzzy” long range goals, we did not really know if anyone would listen consistently. All we knew was that we liked podcasts, and thought that we could deliver something that would be helpful to our fellow preachers.

When I write about iPreach in this series, I’ll give more of the history of that show, but a few connections on that show have led to the formation of The Equip Network, or TEN. My friends Caleb O’hara, Joe Wells, Wesley Walker and Dale Jenkins are the main workers on this network, and several others serve as advisors.

The Equip Network is a “family” of podcasts, all done by members of the Lord’s Church, and all dealing with specific areas of need. Here is the major difference in the network and in other podcasts you may have heard of before. These are not just sermons put out there for people to hear. There is a great need for those, but many churches do that already. Instead, the podcasts on The Equip Network are (1) talk show style programs, (2) devotional programming, or (3) call in shows. It is this unique style of programs that set the podcasts on TEN apart from others. As far as the four “founders” know, there is no other such network in the world among Christians.

For the rest of this week, I will be sharing with you the idea behind the current podcasts on The Equip Network, and will also give you a little “sneak peek” as to what might be coming up soon.

Currently, there are six programs, with a seventh set to begin in a couple of weeks. Some are weekly while others are 5 days each week. We’ll tell you more about each one this week.

For more information, go to the website of The Equip Network here.

Also, take a moment to read a recent post by Caleb O’hara on the founding of TEN here.

BY THE WAY, even if you have no idea what podcasting is, you can still listen to these great programs. When you visit the website for The Equip Network, you will be able to hear any or all of the programs for the last 3 weeks. Archives for shows that have been around for longer (iPreach, MinistryGeek, and Engage!) will be up in the near future, so you can listen to those as well.

This is truly an exciting network, and I hope you will take the time to learn from these programs, and to be encouraged by them. In a world filled with negative media, what an uplifting way to spend your time listening to solid Christian teaching and devotionals.


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