
Evernote for Non-Tech Folks

Evernote is one of my favorite tools. Their motto is “Remember Everything,” and I pretty much use it to do just that.

However, getting started with Evernote can be daunting. Fear not! I’m here to help.

Today’s post is meant to help you get started with this amazing program, but to do so without tech-speak. I hate tech-speak!

Also, starting out with a program like Evernote without a visual can be difficult, so I created this screencast to help you! It’s 15 minutes in length, and I hope you like it. After the screencast, there are links to a couple of very helpful resources that I hope you’ll check out.

Having trouble viewing the video? Click here to view on YouTube.

Resources (free). Of course, this is the website to get you started.

Evernote Essentials ($29 / ebook). This book is not cheap at $29, but you will find that it saves you far more than that in time. Also, the book has just been updated (as in, about a week ago). Further, if you purchase this book, you will get any future updates to the book for free!

ScanSnap scanner (Amazon $260.99). Pricey? Yes. Powerful? Oh yeah. This scanner is fast, and can automatically put scans into your Evernote account. I save up a folder’s worth of stuff at the office, then scan it all in in a few minutes. This is perfect if you want to use Evernote heavily to help reduce the amount of loose paper in your house or office. Scans up to 8 pages at a time, and scans both front and back.

Michael Hyatt’s Evernote posts. On Michael Hyatt’s blog, he did a series of posts on Evernote a couple of years ago that are a great resource. There are 12 posts total that dig a lot deeper into the program than I wanted to in this post.

QUESTION: What are some tips for Evernote beginners that you have?


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