Friday Links Roundup: LONG Day Edition

Today is one of those days that started early and will end late, but that will be filled with great things. I got up at 3:10 this morning to take two preachers to the airport, as they are leaving on a mission trip. So, by 4:15 I was in my office. I took that opportunity (with no distractions) to get some studying and writing done.
At 10AM, Dale Jenkins and I will be recording the next episode of iPreach. We are interviewing the three new Bible teachers at Freed-Hardeman: Doug Burleson, Justin Rodgers, and Kirk Brothers. Also Dr. Billy Smith is scheduled to join us. I hope you will listen on at 10 Central, or can download from iTunes later.
Tonight, our congregation is having a work night for our school supply give away day (which is tomorrow), and then our softball team has its final double-header of the year, which is scheduled to begin at 8PM (if things are running on time). So, after waking up at 3:10AM, I should get to bed around 11:30 tonight. WHEW!!!
On to the links for this week:
1. One of the “hot button” issues facing our nation today is illegal immigration. Neal Pollard gives us a brief, but helpful article in “How Should a Christian View Illegal Immigration.”
2. Can you believe a preacher would be told he was preaching on Jesus too much? Andy Brewer shares some thoughts in “More About Jesus.”
3. In a world that tells us just go by feelings, Wayne Jackson shares with us “Logic and the Plan of Salvation.” This would make a very nice (and needed) PowerPoint-based sermon.
4. Parents, you MUST read this brief post from the Covenant Eyes blog. It shares with us some stats on children searching for pornography. Learn from the words of “The Unfiltered Truth.”
5. Ever thought about giving up in your Christian walk because others were making fun of you, or even persecuting you? Robbie MacKenzie gives us some great thoughts to sustain us in “Silencing the Haters.”
We hope you have a great weekend. Please pray that we’ll be able to reach out to our community through our efforts in our give-away tomorrow, and that we’ll shine God’s light through our worship on Sunday.
Anywhere you are, make sure you worship Him on His Day.
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