I Love Vacation Bible School … Teachers!
As I write this, we are preparing for our annual VBS work night. While our teachers can work for several days before our Vacation Bible School begins, we always have one night when we open up our building and ask as many as can attend to come and help with some of the “larger” or more time-consuming projects that are necessary to make a room really attractive.
I am writing this sentence at 1:47PM. Our work night starts at 5:30. So, why am I sharing this? Because almost half of our teachers are already here, and have been for some time. In fact, several were here yesterday, some for around 6 hours!
It is that type of dedication to Vacation Bible School that makes ours at Lebanon Road so special. No detail is left unconsidered. Our teachers put so much of themselves into their lessons, and into making each part of our VBS helpful, attractive, and fun. These teachers are not compensated financially. They do all of this because they love the Lord, and they love imparting that love to each student who comes into the room.
Throughout the day and evening, and on into the rest of this final week before our VBS, rooms will be transformed into amazingly colorful learning environments, but the focus will always be on the Bible. I wish I could express fully to each teacher how thankful I am for the time, effort, love, and mental energy each one puts into their rooms, lessons, crafts, activities, and other areas. It is nothing short of remarkable, and only the Lord knows the final result.
Just wanted to share some great news, and wanted to tell you why I love Vacation Bible School teachers so much. They are wonderful servants of the Lord, and we need to show our gratitude for their heart and dedication.