
Being Imperfect in a Pinterest World

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The picture above is the garden I had in my mind all winter. I thought about it, marked it out, planned what we would plant, and dreamed about harvesting loads of perfect veggies all summer long from a garden plot that would make HGTV want to have a special program dedicated to how perfect my garden was.

That’s what I just knew was going to happen.

Then, I took this picture early last Saturday morning.


Yep, that was the way my garden looked. Admittedly, I worked in it quite a lot on Saturday and it looks some better, but it is still pretty embarrassing. It just is not what I wanted it to be. With all the irons in the fire that I’ve got, I just have not had/made the time to take care of it the way it needs to be.

And then, I jump online and see perfect garden after perfect garden. It’s enough to make me want to just not do it next year.

But this isn’t a post about gardening.

It’s a post about the all-too-easy comparison game that we can fall prey to in the Internet age. From that perfect Pinterest pin to how happy all your friends on Facebook seem to be, it is easy to wonder what is wrong with your life. You aren’t that happy 24/7. Not everything you try to grow/cook/sew/bake/make looks that perfect.

What’s wrong with me? you wonder.

For the Christian, it can get even more difficult. We want to do everything just right. After all, aren’t we to do everything to glorify God? Then how can imperfections and even failures bring Him glory?

If you are ever tempted to think less of yourself because of these comparisons, let me share some advice.

1. Stop Comparing. What you do is great. It does not have to be Pinterest perfect. It does not have to look like it is going on the front of a magazine. Quit comparing!

2. Start Cherishing. In other words, cherish the time you spend doing what you enjoy. Even if the results are not as perfect as what other people get, enjoy the journey. Are you growing closer to God? Are you spending the journey with your family? Then who cares if the final result isn’t worthy of a Facebook album!?!

3. Give Yourself Permission to be Imperfect. It’s okay!!!!!!!!! (Is that enough exclamation points?) Even in our Christian walk, God only expects us to walk in the light (1 John 1:7). While our goal is perfection, the journey and the maturity we gain from the journey is what helps us move ever closer to that goal. You don’t have to be the best mom or dad or employee or elder or whatever. Just be the best you can be, and with God’s grace that will be enough.

4. Remember, No One is Perfect. Not even those people who seem to be able to do everything and do it all so that Pinterest takes notice. No one is perfect. Remember, they “set up” their pictures. They have failed at recipies. They aren’t always smiling. While we do not revel in the mistakes or down moments in the lives of others, it is worth remembering that everyone has seasons of life that do not go well.

So, enjoy the journey and do what’s most important. Me? I need to weed my garden, but I’m going to make sure I’m walking with God and that my family is taken care of first. If weeds keep coming, it’s okay. There’s always next year.


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Author: Adam Faughn

Photo background credit: Southern Foodways Alliance on Creative Commons


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