Is It Really Enough?

“We are a Bible-believing church!”
We like to say that, and we hope it is true always. We preach the Bible. We teach the Bible in our classes. Our youth devotionals are centered in Scripture. We try to reach people with how to be saved, and that is only found in the Bible.
But is the Bible really enough for us?
Maybe not…at least, by the way we talk. After all, is “we are a Bible-believing church” (or anything like that) what we tell people about first and foremost?
When we find something “wrong” with the church we attend, how often is it about the Truth, and how often is it about how some felt need was not met? Or, when we are telling people about our congregation, do we center our thoughts on things other than a focus on the Word of God?
We often complain about the heating or air-conditioning, and if that’s not just right, we are going to be certain someone knows. After all, everyone shares my temperament for a certain level of heat, right?
We think that the carpet should be a certain color or that the auditorium should be lighted in just a certain way, and if it is not, we stew about it and even think it affects our ability to worship.
We tell people all about our programs and events and how “nice” our preacher is, and never really mention the Bible to them when we invite them to worship.
All those things are fine, to a point. I like a comfortable building, too. I think congregations need to have and keep up nice facilities. To me, it’s a stewardship issue.
Oh, and, yes, I think the preacher should be nice!
But those types of things were stripped away, would we still be satisfied with the simple fact that our congregation is faithful to the Word of God? Would that be enough for me to keep worshipping there? Keep inviting others to worship with me? Be one who does not complain?
Maybe that’s the test. If everything else were stripped away, would the Word of God really be enough?
“I have treasured the words of [God’s] mouth more than my portion of food.” (Job 23:12)
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn