
It Can't Compare

SeveralĀ  years ago, we had a class at a youth rally at 9th Avenue taught by my friend Larry Davenport. His topic was “Can the Bible Compare with Hollywood?” As always, Larry did a great job, but it was the way he started the class that will forever hold a place in my mind.

hollywood signLarry started by retelling some of the awesome accounts in the Bible (the parting of the Red Sea, creation, Noah’s ark, etc.). He then reminded these young people that all these were real events, not done with trick photography or computer technology. After that brief introduction, Larry renamed the class: “Why Hollywood Can’t Compare with the Bible!”

What a great reminder. We live in a world of sensationalism. Everything, it seems, “has to be” over the top. A new movie has to be a little more “out there” than the last. Special effects in movies and TV shows have to be more clear and realistic. The explosions have to be larger. The destinations have to be more exotic. The colors have to be more vivid.

Admittedly, it’s amazing what Hollywood producers can do. They can transport us for a few minutes (or even a few hours) to another place, another time, even another planet. They truly give us a believable story with some amazing things.

But then, it’s over, and we’re reminded that it was all a story with some nice computers and cameras telling us the story.

When you open the Bible and read some of the amazing things in it, remember that there is no trickery. There’s no trick photography. There are no hidden cables. There aren’t any computer programs. No smoke machines or sound machines were used. It’s all real, and it’s truly astounding.

Hollywood just can’t compare.
