Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

One Gift You Can’t Wrap

We are trying to do better this year about buying our Christmas gifts earlier. We hope to get most–if not all–of them bought and wrapped in just the next few days. (We’ll see if that actually happens!) The “hurry and hustle” of this season of the year is real, but we would rather “hurry” now than be totally scrambling later on.

And that hints at where I want to go in this brief article. For many of us, there is so much to do this time of year (and always). On top of the usual work and school things and regular activities (haircuts, dental appointments, etc.) there is shopping to do and parties to attend (or host) and special activities at church and work get-togethers and more. The calendar is flooded with extras.

In the midst of all that, you will try to squeeze in a Christmas move (or twenty), going to see Santa, driving around looking at lights, and maybe some time to have a special family Christmas outing. Add on any travel you have to do for the holidays, and it’s a wonder we don’t just fall completely out on December 26.

So, how about remembering that there is one gift you can’t wrap this year. It’s a gift you can give your spouse, your kids, your parents, a neighbor, your friend, or anyone else. It might be the most important gift you give them in the midst of all this, but you can’t wrap it.

What is it? The gift of time.

Say “no” to something so you can be with your spouse or your kids. Leave work early one day to go help a neighbor or visit a friend.

Do you really have to do ALL those things you’ve got on your calendar, or would it not be better to tap the brakes a bit and just be with someone? Which do you think will mean more in the long-run?

Give the gift of time.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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