• Bible study,  Church Life,  Worship

    The One That is Different

    During a typical year there are four months which have five Sundays. On those four (and sometimes five) Sundays the church where I worship and serve does something we call “church – eat – church.” Instead of dismissing after the morning worship service and returning a few hours later for our evening worship, we are together for about four-and-a-half straight hours. We begin our time together with a period of Bible study. We may be divided by age or other factors, but we are all studying the same Divine Book. There are two periods of time during which we all assemble to offer worship to the One in whose name…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    True Freedom

    On this day America celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This document declared that we were free from British rule. There are all kinds of historical facts about the writing of this document and the actual dates as to when it was signed and by whom, but nevertheless America became a free country – and that’s what we celebrate on this national holiday. Or is it? Maybe we just have a holiday on that day? On that day we’re off of work, we picnic, we shoot off fireworks or enjoy a fireworks show but never really give much thought to the freedom of our country. If we give…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    We Can’t Forget “Jerusalem”

    Just before He ascended to heaven, Jesus told those gathered with Him that they would be His witnesses “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Many throughout the years have noted that these words serve as an outline of sorts for the book of Acts, as the Gospel did in fact spread from the city of Jerusalem, then out to the surrounding regions, and ultimately throughout the Roman Empire, all within just about three decades. Those words from Jesus, though, have also been utilized by congregations to think about their own evangelistic efforts. By “Jerusalem,” a congregation might think about…

  • Church Life

    Maybe More Than Merely a Kernel of Truth

    I’ve been told that the best comedy contains a kernel of truth. If that is true, it is my opinion that the cartoon reproduced above must be really hilarious. Unfortunately though, for those who truly care about the cause of Jesus it may not be all that funny. Some, like me, may be saddened by the message of this cartoon that recently appeared in a news feed that showed up on my computer the other day from something called Church of the Covered Dish. I would like to suggest a three-part challenge for all of us. First, please consider the implications of the cartoon. Second, consider the implications of this…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    It’s Okay to Ask

    This past Sunday, I had a realization about a concept I had never before considered. It wasn’t that I didn’t know all the individual parts of what I’m about to describe. It’s just that I had never put them together for joint consideration and when I did, I was encouraged. It has long been amazing to me that Jesus, knowing what all would happen to Him while on this earth, was resolute. I love the verse In Luke 9 that reads: “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem” (v. 51). Being equally human and divine, Jesus understood the…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    V. B. & S.

    Let me begin by stating clearly: I think VBS is a good thing. This is not a “bash VBS” article. However, it is meant to be a “let’s rethink some things about VBS” article. One thing I am grateful for at Central is that we have changed how we view VBS. Often, congregations have a big event like this, draw in a bunch of people, and then nothing changes. We have made serious efforts at Central this year to follow up with guests (in the immediate days afterward and it is still ongoing), and we continue to believe we will have prospects for Bible studies from VBS. It is far…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    A Time to be Selfish (Temporarily)

    I’ve only flown commercially a handful of times, but, on those rare occasions when I have, I have found one of the “preflight instructions” to be interesting. If I remember correctly, passengers are told that, in the event of an incident that causes the oxygen masks to drop down, they are to put on their own masks first. I suppose that some might see that instruction as selfish, but there is actually a practical side to this. The instructions are not given so that a person can take care of himself/herself and ignore the needs of others. Instead, they are given in order that others might be assisted. A person…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    When Trouble Comes

    The book of Lamentations is a difficult book to study. The emotions of the prophet Jeremiah are raw as he writes about the forty years he spent prophesying to God’s people and suffering at their hands. God had not promised him success, but had told him that he was born for this purpose and He would be with him (Jeremiah 1). Lamentations comes after Judah is overcome by Babylon and Jerusalem is destroyed by Babylonian forces. In chapter 1 and verse 1 we see a great contrast drawn between what is and what was. The city of Jerusalem (symbolic of the people of God) is described as a lonely widow…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism,  Worship

    Marketing the Church with One Word

    If you were asked to describe the church with one word, what would you choose? Maybe a better question would be, if you only had one word to try to get people to come to worship with you, which word would you choose? Now, to be fair, that is a very difficult thing to do. The Lord’s Church is a multi-faceted entity and trying to summarize it in one word is tremendously challenging. And, to be sure, we will rarely have only one word to invite a friend a neighbor to worship with us. Recently, though, I saw where a church had tried to do just that. It was on…

  • Church Life

    Not Original with Me — Not Inspired — But Food for Thought

    Recently, I was looking through some material I have saved in one of the cloud storage systems I use. While I was doing this, I came across the picture of something I remember having under the class on the top of the desk I used when I was preaching for the Central church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky. I’m not really sure where I got the card on which the material you will read below appeared, but it meant enough to me that it was among the few “treasures” I kept in a conspicuous place. The material I am reproducing here is not, in any way, original with me and,…

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