Publix: Where Shopping is … Less Tempting

Leah loves Publix. I can’t tell you how many times she has praised the friendliness of the staff and the high quality of food there. In reality, the only thing that keeps Publix from being her only stop in grocery shopping is price. While their prices are competitive and they run good sales, she can get some items more cheaply from other stores.
However, I want to praise Publix for something else today. In their checkout aisles, I have noticed that certain magazines are covered by a plastic shield. The magazines (including Cosmopolitan and similar periodicals) are the ones that usually “feature” immodest cover models and racy features.
For some time, I have figured that they did this to block these covers from children and, as a guy, I was thankful for my own mental purity, too.
But I wasn’t sure if that was why this was done…until today. On the way to the office, I stopped by a local Publix and just asked why they did that. I told them I was writing an article for a Christian blog and the young man was more than happy to answer my question.
He said that the company wants Publix to be seen as a wholesome part of the local community, and they didn’t want children seeing these images while they were waiting in line. I thanked him for his honesty, and I thanked him as a guy, too!
Now, we could argue whether Publix should be selling magazines like that at all, and I know they sell other products (cigarettes, alcohol, etc.) that are harmful. But on this issue, I have to praise this store for helping me protect my children. And, as a man trying to be pure, I have to thank Publix for making shopping less tempting.
It may cost a little more at times, but some things are worth a few extra dollars. Surely, our purity ranks right up at the top of that list.
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