Church Life

Remembering a Giant

All Christians are vital and important, but some cast a long shadow of influence. Yesterday, we lost one of those whose influence will be felt for years to come.

Jim Bill McInteer passed away yesterday. I freely admit that I didn’t know brother McInteer well at all. I only spoke with him a half-dozen times or so. That being said, I knew of his influence. Through his preaching, writing, teaching, editing, encouragement, visits, publishing, and countless other ways, Jim Bill was a giant of a man.

While I wasn’t in his presence often, it was always special to be around him. He was a gentleman in every way, and always wanted to encourage. For someone who was so well-known and respected, that “gentleman” quality was a welcome sight.

As I type this, my copy of the Minister’s Manual for churches of Christ, written by brother McInteer is directly in front of me. That small book represents a great work, but a tiny fraction of all the good things this great man did.

I’m sure many are writing tributes about brother McInteer. Many will do a greater job than this brief post, but I wanted to share my thoughts about a wonderful man. Maybe no tribute is as great, though, as what was prayed last night. In an elders’ meeting I attended, one of our elders prayed for brother McInteer’s family and then said, “May we live up to the standard brother McInteer set in his work.” It’s easy to give an “amen” to that.


Here are some who have written tributes already to brother McInteer. If you would like to add yours, link in the comments. If you don’t blog, please leave your thoughts in the comments.

Dale Jenkins

Jeremiah Tatum


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  • Mark Pugh

    I knew him and his family well. What a giant of a man! What a humble example! What a servant!

    In October, 2008, I chauffeured our supported missionary ministers around town for a day. We went to Gospel Advocate, 21st Century Christian, Disaster Relief, Centennial Park, etc. When I learned of Bro. McInteer’s passing yesterday, I immediately was taken back to that day. He personally met each of them, shook their hand, and engaged them in their work. I remember standing back observing that and thinking what a wonderful memory he was affording them. I am thinking now about the wonderful memory he afforded me.

  • Frances Scott

    What a great man of God! When he spoke it was as if God, Himself, was speaking. He will be missed by the entire brotherhood.