
The September 10: Monthly Roundup

Wow…it’s been a month since the last roundup already? How was your month?

I’m glad you asked! September flew by for us. It included our elders’, deacons’, and preacher’s retreat at Lebanon Road as well as our first Gospel Meeting in many years. Both went very well, and provided us with a jolt of enthusiasm that I pray we’ll carry on for some time.

Anything interesting happen in churches of Christ this month?

Quite a few things. Here are just a few.

First, Polishing the Pulpit announced their dates for 2012. Go ahead and mark August 17-23 on your calendars and be ready to attend a wonderful event in Sevierville, Tennessee. You’ll be glad you did!

Also, last night, my family (along with an estimated 30,000 others worldwide) watched the debate on the existence of God between Kyle Butt and Blair Scott, held at the University of North Alabama. While I am not an expert in debate, I thought it was a good event, and a very good way to spend an evening. Both men presented good information and did one thing that was most important: encouraged the listeners to think for themselves. I couldn’t agree with that suggestion any more! My thanks to my friend Kyle Butt for doing a wonderful job of presenting the truth and being willing to do so in such difficult settings. The brotherhood is thankful for his work, and all that Apologetics Press does. Also, thank you to Gospel Broadcasting Network for providing the entire debate (and post-debate interviews) live on their channel and website.

Finally, but certainly not least, I was saddened to hear of the death of Neal Pryor. Brother Pryor taught for many years at Harding University, and was a regular speaker at our youth rally in Dexter as I was growing up. A preacher, teacher, elder, and lecturer (among other things), brother Neal Pryor will be missed.

What news did I miss? Let me know in the comments.

Hey, I thought this was the links roundup! How about some links?

No problem. We’ve got 10 great ones this month. Here are the first five.

1. Justin Guin doesn’t post on his blog very often. When he does, however, it is always great material. He wrote a few weeks ago about entertainment and hit an absolute grand slam, writing from a perspective few dare to explore. Take his article to heart. It’s called “Is Entertainment a Big Deal to God?

2. Many of you who read this blog work in the corporate world, and many work in places where Christianity is the furthest thing from the culture as possible. Valerie Matheny understands. You must read her article “Stand Up. Respect Yourself.” What a wonderful example!

3. Ever feel left out, or as if everyone else has something greater than what you have? Then you must read Michael Whitworth’s article “The In Group.” You’ll be truly encouraged.

4. “Love” is a term we use and reuse and overuse and misuse and……. you get the point. Roger Johnson, in a brief but helpful post, helps us spend some time “Thinking about Love.” Preachers, this one is worth saving in your files for reference.

5. How about a video? Did you know that Brad Harrub was recently told he could not enter a museum in Virginia? The Star News Channel’s broadcast is available on YouTube. It’s 4 minutes that will show you some of the lengths that evolutionists (and the like) will go to in keeping true study and scrutiny from occurring. Here’s the link to the video.

You were right! Those were great, but I need a little break. Got anything funny?

You mean, besides the Red Sox collapse? That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in some time.

Very funny, Yankee guy. I mean a video or something.

Okay, fair enough. Here you go. It’s one of the most viewed videos on YouTube, but it’s still hilarious, no matter how many times you’ve seen it.


Let me wipe the tears from my eyes from laughing. Okay…I think I’m ready for the other links.

Good deal. Here you go.

6. Trey Morgan provides us with another great list for families. This time it’s “7 Things Your Children Desperately Need to Hear You Say.”

7. I knew the story, but I love the application made from it. Cindy Colley tells of a story that happened on her daughter’s honeymoon (that is pretty remarkable), but turns that story into a great reminder for us all. Read and learn from “…But I Want to Keep Riding.”

8. Do you ever feel as if you need to do everything to be pleasing to God? Joey Sparks makes a great application for us in his post “To Each is Given for the Common Good.”

9. I’ll admit it: I’m a sucker for great titles. I read a lot of blogs, but great titles get read first. Often, thought, the article is not as good as the title. However, in this case, it’s far better! Read Neal Pollard’s “When You Go to Worship, Act Like a Lame Beggar.”

10. Everyone has thought about what it would be like to work for someone else, or in another industry. But what if you worked……for Satan? Dr. Bill Bagents of Heritage Christian University shares what he would do if that were his line of work in his article “If I Worked for the Devil.” This would make a very good devotional starter.

So, there you go. 10 links and a lot of fun.

Thanks, but aren’t you forgetting something?

No way! It’s Friday………enjoy another version of “Friday, I’m in Love.” You won’t get tired of the amazingly different versions of this song we have lined up for the next few months! Here’s a Belgian pop girls’ choir singing the great tune (no, I’m not kidding).




Have a great weekend. We’ll be back on October 28 with the next links roundup.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.