Church Life

Share the Spotlight

Christians are a community, and we lean on one another often. The New Testament uses all sorts of imagery to point out this community aspect of the faith (household, kingdom, etc.).

Within that community, some will be honored at times. It may be on the job, or it may be a school accomplishment. Some may be selected for a great civic honor, while others may simply have a reputation of being a pillar in the community. It is Biblical for us to consider those who receive honors and to show our admiration for them (cf. Romans 13:7).

Today, though, I am asking for those who have gained a “spotlight” to share it a bit. We all know that we do not get an honor all on our own. It takes the help of many people to achieve success, but sometimes those who helped us get there do not get the recognition they deserve.


As an example, this blog has seen an amazing amount of growth in recent times, due to your reading and sharing. But there are a couple of people who I’d like to share the spotlight with today.

First, Shane Williams. Shane designed the logo you see at the top of every page out of the goodness of his heart. He has also helped me many times with technical struggles I have. He does not seek any sort of recognition, but just does this because he is gifted in this area and wants to help people. (He also designed the Lebanon Road website, which is truly remarkable.) Shane may not be a blogger, but his work has helped this site tremendously.

I’d also like to mention Eric Gray. About a year ago, our blog crashed. Completely. I could not get it to show even a single post. In my ignorance, I had never put a backup program or plugin on the site, because I didn’t know anything about them. Eric spent the better part of two days helping me get the site restored and backed up. He literally saved thousands of hours–and tens of thousands of words–of our writing and posting, again out of the goodness of his heart.

There are others who have helped over the years of this blog, but I wanted to take today’s post to spotlight these two who have helped us so much.

Now it’s your turn. In the comments, I would like you to share your story. Please share an honor you have received or an achievement you have gained, but then share the spotlight with someone who has helped you get there. After that, would you email this post to that person or share it with him/her on Facebook? What great encouragement it would give!

Let’s share the spotlight! I can’t wait to be encouraged by your stories.


Photo credit: Mattox on

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A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.


  • Michael Whitworth

    I spent a lot of time researching “The Epic of God,” but I had significant help from Shirley Eaton who works in the Freed-Hardeman University Library. She would run down resources when I needed them quickly, and never asked for anything in return. She, quite simply, made that book possible. I am very indebted to her for all the book’s success. She is very selfless, helpful, and considerate. The FHU family is very blessed to have her in her midst.

  • Mark

    Not exactly what you are asking for, but strong Elders help so many people without any recognition. They do it out of love and comittment to their responsibility. Because of the confidentiality of their work, I’ll not mention them by name, instead I’ll just say that they are true servants of The Lord. My spotlight is on them as I read this post.

  • Adam Faughn

    On Facebook, Becky Terry asked me to share this comment here:

    I do not recall receiving an award or being honored for some real achievement. But I do have the honor of of being a creation of God and a recipient of His love. And that he sent His son to die for me because of that love. A love that at which one time I did not understand and perhaps at sometime took for granted. Being an omniscient god He knew that and loved me anyway. He has seen me through difficult and trying times, being always faithful. He has been my rock, shield, protector and guide! I’m so happy to receive His love and blessing(whatever they may be), to be one of His children. That is my honor.

  • Daniel Dalp

    I wouldn’t say that it is an achievement or award, but I am humbled and honored to be able to preach the word of God. Having no intention of going into ministry I never would have imagined that God would have used the people in my life to lead me to where I am now. If not for the brothers and sisters in Christ that have always encouraged me I would not be going back to school at Heritage Christian and would not be preaching at Parrish Ave. This post shines the spotlight on them. So thankful.