Church Life,  Tech

Some Thoughts About Satan’s Devices and Trojan Horses

I’m reasonably certain that most, if not all, who read this are familiar with the term “Trojan horse.” According to Greek mythology, a huge wooden horse was constructed during what was known as the Trojan War. The people of Troy allowed the horse to enter the city because they were convinced that the Greeks had deserted the war and that the horse was an offering to Athena, the goddess of war. 

In actuality, the horse was hollow and “housed” Greek soldiers. Once inside the city gates, the soldiers inside used the nighttime to emerge from the horse, open the city gates, and allow their fellow soldiers who had not at all abandoned the fight to enter Troy and defeat it.

I recently became aware of a more modern strategy about which the term “Trojan horse” was used. Some of us may remember when president Richard Nixon made an historic trip to communist China. When he and those who accompanied him left China, what our president called a Trojan horse remained in China. 

The “Trojan horse” was a truck left in China with the ability to transmit television signals. Ostensibly, the government of China was persuaded to allow this so that one of the television networks in The United States could inform our citizens about some of the things which were happening in China.

In reality, what happened was that, as televisions became increasingly available in China, their citizens could see what the “outside world” looked like. Because of that, many changes took place in China which might not have otherwise happened.

That historical incident is just one of numerous examples of how the term “Trojan horse” is used today. According to, “The term Trojan horse has come to refer to subversion introduced from the outside.” 

It seems to me that Satan has used that strategy for a long, long time. It also seems to me that far too many of us are blissfully “playing his game.” What I am about to type is admittedly a play on words, but I hope that you will stay with me as I try to develop this.  In 2 Corinthians 2:11, we can read these words penned by Paul, “…we are not ignorant of [Satan’s] devices” (KJV). 

I am aware of the fact that the word translated “devices” in the King James Version is translated with words like “schemes” and “designs” in other versions of the Bible, but I want to use “devices” to try to get all of us to do some thinking. It seems to me that Satan has now become so effective that he now has people doing something that neither the people of Troy or China did. He now has us actually purchasing things that have the potential of being our own Trojan horses.

I am typing these words on a device that our “…adversary the devil…” (1 Peter 5:8) often uses very effectively as a Trojan horse. At any moment, I could stop typing something that I hope is of some value and start searching for things that are of no value and/or have the potential of causing me to be lost eternally. 

The sad fact is that I don’t even have to search. I’m reasonably certain that I am not the only person who has had something “randomly pop up” on my computer that I didn’t ask for. It is interesting that people who know a lot more about computers than I do use the term “Trojan horse” to describe a program that could actually take control of my computer. 

The device I’m presently using and which I purchased is a laptop computer. It is much more convenient and less bulky than a desktop model. It pales in comparison, though, with something that I can hold in my hand and which I also purchased. 

I have heard that the smart phones we own, carry around everywhere we go, and “check” multiple times a day (or hour) are more sophisticated than the computers that helped put men on the moon. These same devices have an unbelievable potential for both good and evil.

The computer on my lap or the phone in my hand allows me to do things that were unimaginable only a few years ago. We need to be aware of the fact that they can be modern weapons used in the ongoing battle for our souls. The original Trojan horse, the television truck, and modern electronic devices all have something in common. They are tools or devices to be used for some purpose. It is up to us to do all we can to make sure that we don’t allow any Trojan horses into our lives.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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