Christian Vegetation and the TV Set
We live in a “veg out” society. We work very hard, and there are times when we just want to sit in front of the TV set and mindlessly flip through channels for a few minutes. At other times, we just want to have the tube on and watch a TV show that doesn’t make us think. Let me say at the outset of this post, that I am not saying that doing this is always wrong. We need to rest, and some people find that just having the TV on is a good way to let their brain wind down from a hard day. However, I want to challenge…
7 Positive Things About Turning Off Our TV
If you’ve read our blog for very long, you know that Leah and I made the decision over a year ago (about 14 months ago now) to cancel our DirecTV subscription. We get zero channels on our TV. Now, that’s not to say that we never turn on our television set. We have several seasons of some favorite programs (The Cosby Show, Full House, Little House on the Prairie, etc.) on DVD, as well as a few children’s shows (Word World, Super Why!, Franklin, Loony Tunes) on DVD. We watch these from time-t0-time, but the amount of time the TV is “just on” has gone down dramatically. Some, when they…
Still No TV?
Back in April, we told you how we had completely turned off our DirecTV. We didn’t downgrade our package, or switch to just local channels. We have no television package whatsoever. At the time, we had a plan of things we would do in order to “fill” our time as a family. I thought you might like a little progress report, now that we’ve gone about 7 months without any TV. First, let me address the question everyone seems to ask. “Do you miss it?” While that’s impossible to answer in one word, I would say we really haven’t missed TV. Yes, I don’t like missing ball games, but we…
It Can't Compare
SeveralĀ years ago, we had a class at a youth rally at 9th Avenue taught by my friend Larry Davenport. His topic was “Can the Bible Compare with Hollywood?” As always, Larry did a great job, but it was the way he started the class that will forever hold a place in my mind. Larry started by retelling some of the awesome accounts in the Bible (the parting of the Red Sea, creation, Noah’s ark, etc.). He then reminded these young people that all these were real events, not done with trick photography or computer technology. After that brief introduction, Larry renamed the class: “Why Hollywood Can’t Compare with the…