
Three Book Reviews

I was well “on pace” for my reading for 2009, and needed to catch up on some other things. Thus, it has been awhile since I wrote a book review, because I haven’t completed books at the same pace as I was earlier in the year. Since the last book review post, I have completed the following books cover-to-cover.


Great Moments with Christ

Lubbock Christian College Lectures 1974

Firm Foundation Publishing

Being a lecture book, this volume does not read like a biography of the life of Christ. There are more textual studies and word studies, but the content is still quite helpful in finding out much about Jesus.

In a special way, I would recommend the three lecture manuscripts from Rex Turner that deal with (1) The Pre-Existence of Christ, (2) The Virgin Birth of Christ, and (3) The Trial of Christ. These contain rich material.

Since this volume has been out-of-print for some time, it can be hard to find, but if you can find an inexpensive copy, you’ll be glad to add it to your library.


The Total Money Makeover

Dave Ramsey

Nelson Books, 2003

I have reviewed this volume before on this site. I try to read it every year, and I made it part of my required reading in preparation for teaching our Financial Peace University class.

Needless to say, I love this book, and highly recommend it to all. I think it should be required reading in premarital counseling, and I think nearly anyone in any financial state can find much that will help in this book.

Special note: if you buy this book in the next couple of days from Ramsey’s website, it is only $9.99 and shipping is free. Click here to order.


The Cultural Church

F. LaGard Smith

20th Century Christian, 1992

What a book with perspective! Written about 17 years ago, LaGard Smith’s book shows the changes that were afoot within the Lord’s Church at that time and he gives a warning as to what “might be.” How right he was!

Going back and reading this book again gives me a great admiration for the perspective of the writing that many years ago. The basis of the volume is that the church must know when to adapt to culture (in matters of expediency and where finances allow) and when to stand in opposition to culture (matters of doctrine). While that may seem a simple concept, each one of us knows how difficult it really is.

F. LaGard Smith’s work is truly a classic volume that all preachers should read, whether they agree with his conclusions or not. Nearly any Christian who has a love for “the old paths” will find this to be an amazing book to read, especially as you keep in mind that it wasn’t written in 2009!

To order the book from Amazon, click here.


What are your thoughts on these books?



  • Richard Mansek

    I just wonder if LaGard still believes all of what he wrote then. It was a great book, but he’s changed since then.

  • Richard Mansel

    I just wonder if LaGard still believes all of what he wrote then. It was a great book, but he’s changed since then.