Church Life

“We’re Doing What Christians Do”

After the flooding hit Nashville, and the amount of devastation started to grow, we all asked, “What are we going to do?” Our members continually were asking that question. Several times, I gave the answer, “We’re going to do what Christians do.” By that, I meant that, while we aren’t sure of every single action we were going to take, the Lebanon Road church of Christ was going to respond with the light of Jesus Christ.

And that’s just what we have done, and continue to do. On Monday and Tuesday, we gave away food and supplies from our fellowship hall that were given to us by Churches of Christ Disaster Relief. We had so much help that folks were lined up TO HELP! We also grilled burgers, had chips, and had our folks make homemade desserts and gave those away to those who just needed a meal. I have no idea how many folks just spoke to those who came to our building. I don’t think it’s a “preacher’s count” to say that over 100 of our members were directly involved with our efforts on Monday and Tuesday.

In addition, many of our members are helping those of our congregation whose houses have been flooded. Groups are constantly at those houses and are pulling out possessions, boxing up what can be saved, pulling up carpet, and lending an ear and shoulder. The work is constant, and it is continuing. I cannot tell you how many people were amazed by how many people were here helping. Those of all ages lent their time and energy to help. Some served as babysitters so moms could work in the relief effort. Others were willing to register those coming for help. The list goes on and on. In fact, I’m getting tears in my eyes as I type this. The efforts have been amazing, but they are what make Lebanon Road a special place!

Why are we doing all this? Because… we are just doing what Christians do!


Here are several pictures from Monday’s efforts. You may click on each picture to see a larger version of it.


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