• Bible study,  Tech

    Week of November 25 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”

    Leah is taking a mini-break for Thanksgiving, but there will be a new episode of her video series really soon (she is deciding between December 2 or December 9). If you’d like to take this opportunity to catch up, check out her YouTube channel–and subscribe–here. On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam was joined this week by Matt Wallin, who shared a great note on John 12:16. To listen or subscribe, click here.

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  • Church Life,  Trust God

    Neither Seasonal nor Optional

    I understand that most of us are fairly (or quite) busy this week. We are doing things that, hopefully, will enable us to enjoy the day on our calendars designated as Thanksgiving Day. For that reason, I won’t write something here that will take much of your time to read. It might suggest something to all of us, though, that we might want to take some time to consider. The phrase I have in mind and which shall serve as the concussion to my thoughts is included in some very direct statements found in the Bible. None of them appear to be suggestions. During this time of the year, we…

  • Legacy of Faith Podcast

    Episode 179: Our 2024 Thankful List

    https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Episode_179_2024_Thankful_List.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) An annual tradition on the podcast returns, as Turner, Leah, and Adam share some things they are thankful for this year. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    The Power of Music

    Some of you reading this know that my life has been consumed with a theater production lately, as my daughter has been Maria in “The Sound of Music.” Although that has been an amazing experience and is related to the catalyst for this article [read exhaustion], it is not the inspiration. Last week, the only time I could fit my monthly hair appointment in was at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. For those of you who know me, you know this was truly a sacrifice. I don’t give up my Saturday mornings for very many things … especially to be somewhere by 7:00. That morning, as I was driving, some…

  • Family,  Marriage

    But Do You Like Each Other?

    One thing Leah and I have been talking about a lot the last few months is a trip we took back in the summer, and a realization we made on that trip. For our 25th anniversary, we took a few days and traveled together. It was a great time. We saw a lot of sites and ate some wonderful food. We also just enjoyed downtime. As the trip wore on, though, one thing we both said was that the trip reminded us that we like each other. Notice that sentence didn’t say that we “love” each other. We already knew that. That’s non-negotiable! But I’m concerned that a lot of…

  • Bible study,  Tech

    Week of November 18 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”

    On “Into the Heart of the Bible,” Leah returns this week with an overview of the Patriarchal period of Bible history. She walks through the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and also takes a few moments to remind you how Job fits into the Biblical narrative. (If the video is not displaying properly below, click here to watch on YouTube.) On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam shares a very brief note, but one that is very encouraging, from Romans 6:22. Click here to listen to the podcast episode.

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  • Bible study,  Church Life

    “We Have a Law”

    During the time devoted to the Lord’s supper during our worship service each week, I have made it a practice to read something that keeps my mind focused on the unjust trials and the crucifixion of Jesus. Sometimes the material that I read is from a book of devotional thoughts I have downloaded on my iPad. Those thoughts are focused on those events. Most of the time, though, I am reading about those events from one of the gospel accounts.  Recently, as I was reading from the Gospel of John, some words caught my attention. I had read them many times before, but they made more of an impact this…

  • Family,  Marriage

    A Beautiful Marriage

    After more than fifty-four years of marriage, it only makes sense that we did something right in selecting a mate for life. Now, granted, I have known several people who have remained married for many years who really don’t seem to like each other, but remain married for a variety of reasons. This, however, is not usually the norm in marriages with longevity. Sadly, in today’s world people spend more time looking at the outside of a person and make that their deciding factor in whether or not they want to spend time with them. And even more sadly, they often use those people for their own gratification. This is…

  • Bible study,  Family,  Marriage

    A Lesson Learned from Teaching the Song of Solomon

    I’m only a couple of weeks away from finishing teaching a Bible class on the Song of Solomon. This is actually the second time I have taught through that book, and, while challenging, it is a joy. Since the book is quite short, we are able to throw in a few “special studies” on marriage, but they all come from the concepts found in that great love poem. Overall, though, the vast majority of the class is just going through the poem and being encouraged by what is there. It is interesting to me that, while Song of Solomon is “famous” for its very descriptive language, that part of the…

  • Bible study,  Tech

    Week of November 11: “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”

    This week, Leah took the week off to do some deeper study and preparation for the next period of Bible history. She’ll be back next week to continue her study! This is a great time to subscribe to her channel and catch up if you’re a week or two behind. The channel can be found here. On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Chance Hicks joined Adam to share some great thoughts on a text from Luke18. Click here to listen.

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