As Long As There is Air In Your Lungs
Just a few days ago, the stuff of science fiction actually happened right here in America. In Detroit, paramedics came to the aid of a 20-year-old woman who was unresponsive at her home. They performed life-saving techniques for about half an hour, but there was no response. After their efforts, the woman was pronounced dead, the family was informed, and a funeral home came to get her body to prepare for a service. Only, when morticians got ready to start their work, they realized the woman was breathing. She was still alive! As you can imagine, they were surprised, but they also did what you would expect: they immediately called…
What Are You Losing While Trying to Find Yourself?
A lot of trends seem to have begun with my generation. Sadly, not all of them are positive. Many in my generation made fun of our parents and grandparents who basically accepted life as it was; had a job that might not have been “fulfilling,” but which put food on the table; took their marriage vows seriously; and raised their children to be productive members of society. We were taught by many in the fields of entertainment and education that life had to be more than that. While all of us did not “tune in; turn on; and drop out,” we were definitely encouraged to “find ourselves.” That quest that gained momentum during…
Episode 138: Masks Too Many Families Wear [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_138.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) During the pandemic, people have been wearing literal masks. Often, however, people–and families–put on masks of a different sort, and it leads to some unhealthy places. Adam and Leah talk about three areas–marriage, parenting, and finances–in which we can be tempted to wear masks as a family. Click Here to Learn about Adam and Leahs’s Parenting Seminar
Have You Looked in the Mirror Lately?
Jim and I went out for breakfast recently and, while we were enjoying our breakfast, a woman came in who, I would guess, was middle aged. She was rather large and was wearing really short shorts and a skimpy top. The thought crossed my mind – have you looked in a mirror lately? However, this is not a post about immodest apparel or even one about judging people by what they are wearing or even what they are doing. It’s so easy to do that and come away from it thinking that we are better somehow than others. It is a post about something that has been occupying my mind a…
My Biggest Concern as the Pandemic Goes On
For the better part of six months now, we have been dealing with coronavirus restrictions and changes. Our schools, jobs, recreation, shopping, and even our churches have had to do things differently. Every aspect of our lives has been touched to some degree. As a preacher, I have some serious concerns over what all of this is doing to individual Christians and to each congregation. But there is one concern I have that is greater than any other. What is it? Well… My biggest concern is NOT lower attendance or giving numbers. Yes, it is difficult to preach to a room that is half-full (or less), but I know that…
A Smile, A Thought, & A Tear
As many of you know, I love humor. I enjoy a good, clean joke. I enjoy being around people who can share humorous experiences. I just love to laugh and I love to be around people who laugh. I even enjoy laughing at myself. When you mess up and do as many stupid things as I do, that’s not a bad trait to have. It seems to me that, sometimes, the most effective humor contains a kernel of truth. There are times when there is much more than merely that kernel. There are times when humor can make a person stop and think. There are even times when that thinking causes a person to think seriously and…
Called to the Principal’s Office
“Mrs. Smith, we need to see Johnny in the principal’s office please.” Words like these are usually uttered in a stern tone and send fear into the heart of many elementary students every year. I think it is interesting that we teach children to remember the difference in “principal” and “principle” is that the one ending with “pal” is the person at your school and yet no one wants to be called to their “pal’s” office! Well, let me tell you, it doesn’t feel any better as an adult! Now, anyone who knows me well knows how much I respect my principal. She is caring, professional, supportive, and kind. She…
Reconnecting During Coronavirus
Imagine knowing you have wanted to find someone for years–even decades–only to be brought together by coronavirus. That actually happened to two women in Nebraska recently. They were sisters, but had been separated for over 50 years. Sisters by the same father, but not the same mother, they both knew each other existed, but could not find contact information. The older, now 73, contracted coronavirus and suffered a fall in her weakness, breaking an arm. She had to go to a nursing home for at least part of her recovery. The younger, 53, works as a medication aide at that exact nursing home. When she looked over the patient list,…
10 Rules for Happier Living
I was going through some “online files” recently and found the material below. I wish I knew the source of this, but I do not. Somebody besides me deserves the credit. I realize that this post is shorter than normal, but I know somebody who needs to read and heed it. I see him every time I look into the mirror. Maybe this will be of benefit to you as well. — Jim Faughn —————– Ten Rules for Happier Living 1. Give something away (no strings attached). 2. Do a kindness (and forget it). 3. Spend a few minutes with the aged (their experience is a priceless guidance). 4. Look intently into…
Episode 137: 4 Communication Barriers in Marriage [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_137.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Communication is a key to any relationship, including marriage. On this podcast, Adam and Leah use a list found in this article to discuss four common–and dangerous–communication barriers that couples must try to avoid and work through. Resource “The Four Horsemen: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling” [The Gottman Institute] To Learn More about Adam and Leah’s Parenting Seminars, Click Here