Church Life

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    Using Up Our Leftovers

    It is bitterly cold outside here in Paducah, as it is in many places in our country today. It makes you want to just stay in the house where it is warm and cozy. Now, for those of us who eat out often, since there are just two of us, this can present a problem. It means that I have to cook a meal. Honestly, I don’t mind cooking, so it isn’t that big of a deal. However, this time I decided to do something different. I decided to organize our freezer and use up our leftovers from past meals. I was amazed at the variety of items we had,…

  • Church Life

    Love ______ Church

    There was a popular slogan a couple of years ago, where people wore T-shirts or had other items that said “I love my church.” It was basically a way for people to show love and support for their congregation, and that’s a good thing (as you’ll see below). However, there are several ways to fill in that slogan, and each one of them needs to be true. Love HIS Church. We need to love that the Church belongs to Jesus, Who is the Head. We need to love that He is the One Who purchased it with His Own blood. If we do, then we will obey Him. We will…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    The Funeral of An Elder

    I was recently asked to speak at a funeral service for a man who served as an elder in a congregation where I had formerly served as the minister. About a month or so before he passed into eternity, I received a telephone call from this brother. He knew that his time was short. He had called to ask me to speak at his service. Since my family and I had left that community and that church about 28½ years ago, I was somewhat surprised by his request, but I told him that I was willing to do whatever I could to help. In 1985, there were three elders in this…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    Who is Rejecting God?

    It happened again. A familiar passage, but a new way of hitting the heart. This past Sunday night, our minister was doing the second in a series of lessons called “Conversations with God.” This lesson was about Moses and the conversation He had with I AM at the burning bush. Most who are reading this have probably heard the list of excuses Moses gives before finally getting down to his final plea of “Send someone else!” (Exodus 4:13) Somewhere in the middle of the list is his fear of rejection.  Now, if we are honest, this is probably one of our greatest excuses about sharing the gospel with people. We…

  • Church Life,  Family

    The Leading Cause of Death

    [NOTE: It is very rare that I reproduce my bulletin article for Central as a post on our site. However, I felt this article was one that would benefit the thinking of both, so this article is also my bulletin article for this coming Sunday at Central. I hope it makes us all think. –Adam] At the end of each year, a mountain of statistics is released, giving a snapshot of the state of various aspects of the world. One of those statistics that can a little difficult to read, but which is still helpful, is to see what the leading causes of death were around the world for the…

  • Church Life,  Trust God,  Worship

    Who Is Like God?

    As Moses and the Israelites passed through the Red Sea, they recognized that everything had changed. What had once been an enslaved mass of Abraham’s descendants was now a mighty nation fighting by the power of the God of Abraham. In recognition of their redemption and transformation by God, Moses led the people in a victorious song of praise and adoration to God (Exodus 15:1-18). While there are many expressions within this song that are worthy of a second look, one in particular caught my eye: “Who is like you, O LORD, among the heavens?Who is like you, majestic in holiness,Awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?” These questions (found in…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    What Is Your Answer?

    A recent Bible class I attended prompted this post. There was some discussion about what kind of understanding – if any – Job might have had about his (or our) existence after death.  As I listened to that discussion, I thought about a subject for what might be the shortest post I will ever produce. I hope that you will not mistake being brief for being inconsequential or unimportant. I think that what I started thinking in that class and have been thinking a lot about since then is neither of those two things. Since my first career was that of a school teacher, I will go back to those days and…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Remember Who You Are and Whose You Are

    I’m thinking back to a time several years ago when our children were still living at home with us, but were old enough to go out on their own with friends, or attend some church activity without us with them. I can still remember, to this day, what was said to them almost (if not every time) they left the house. It serves as the title for this post today – “Remember who you are and Whose you are.” I think both of them would tell you they remember this statement. You see, for all of the years they were being raised in our home we were trying our best to instill…

  • Church Life,  Worship

    A Different Look at Attendance

    It would be impossible for me to count how many times I have heard, read, or made the following comparison, but, maybe in this article, we can examine it from a different angle. For years, people have noted that, no matter the weather or almost any other factor, a football stadium on Saturday or Sunday will be filled, yet people will use many factors to not fill a church pew for worship on Sunday. Over the years, I have heard that said (and said it myself) probably hundreds of times. Nearly always, the “reason” given has to do with dedication. We are told that people are more dedicated to their…