We Can’t Forget “Jerusalem”
Just before He ascended to heaven, Jesus told those gathered with Him that they would be His witnesses “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Many throughout the years have noted that these words serve as an outline of sorts for the book of Acts, as the Gospel did in fact spread from the city of Jerusalem, then out to the surrounding regions, and ultimately throughout the Roman Empire, all within just about three decades. Those words from Jesus, though, have also been utilized by congregations to think about their own evangelistic efforts. By “Jerusalem,” a congregation might think about…
A Time to be Selfish (Temporarily)
I’ve only flown commercially a handful of times, but, on those rare occasions when I have, I have found one of the “preflight instructions” to be interesting. If I remember correctly, passengers are told that, in the event of an incident that causes the oxygen masks to drop down, they are to put on their own masks first. I suppose that some might see that instruction as selfish, but there is actually a practical side to this. The instructions are not given so that a person can take care of himself/herself and ignore the needs of others. Instead, they are given in order that others might be assisted. A person…
Marketing the Church with One Word
If you were asked to describe the church with one word, what would you choose? Maybe a better question would be, if you only had one word to try to get people to come to worship with you, which word would you choose? Now, to be fair, that is a very difficult thing to do. The Lord’s Church is a multi-faceted entity and trying to summarize it in one word is tremendously challenging. And, to be sure, we will rarely have only one word to invite a friend a neighbor to worship with us. Recently, though, I saw where a church had tried to do just that. It was on…
The Last Day
On the day this post is being released, it will be the end of the academic year for our homeschool in 2023-2024. This one, though, is one we have seen coming from the beginning, because this is Mary Carol’s final last day of high school. (It is also her last day of homeschool…there’s no way Leah is going to homeschool her through college!) I don’t write this post to be overly sentimental. I write it as a reminder to us all: when you are around people, remember that they all have things on their minds–things that are affecting them–that you may not know. I have noticed that, as this day…
No Longer a Threat
I recently spent some time with a man that I’ve known off and on for over sixty years. He is about a year older than I am. We weren’t “pals” during our elementary school years because we attended two different schools. When we both got to the same high school, our age difference meant that we weren’t in many (if any) classes together. As I look back, I guess that about the only time we spent much time together in an organized way was when we were both Cub Scouts. That was a long time ago and only lasted a few years. As we were talking, I mentioned that, even…
A “Life Lesson” at an Intersection
A few days ago, I observed what I consider to be one of those “life lessons” we hear about from time to time. I suppose that it would be more accurate to say that I observed something and considered it to be a life lesson. As I was making my way to see some of our members who are in a nursing home, I noticed that, some distance in front of me, there was a vehicle that was clearly identified as one that belonged to our local sheriff’s department. I don’t know if the sheriff or one of his deputies (or maybe even somebody else from his office) was driving,…
Don’t Minimize Someone’s Conversion
From the outset, let me say that I have been as guilty as anyone for saying what I am going to write about. I used to say it quite regularly. After some time and thought, I would still say it, but I’d feel like I had to qualify it. Now, I do my best to avoid it. And it’s because I spent some serious time thinking about Cornelius. So, what is the saying? It is when we are talking about someone who has lived a pretty good life, but has never been baptized, and we say something like this: “He wouldn’t have to change much.” Now, having been someone who…
Talking Season, The Hot Stove League, and The Person in the Mirror
Now that the college basketball season is over, I heard somebody describe this time of year as Talking Season. There are a variety of things going on about which most of us know very little or anything. Some of those things may make the news. The casual sports fan may know something about coaching changes, recruiting news, etc., but even a very ardent fan probably has no real idea about all that is going on behind the scenes. About all that most college basketball fans can do for the next few months is talk. A part of the vocabulary of Major League Baseball is the term Hot Stove League. As…
Both Verses Must be Done
Jesus is the Head of the Church. As such, He gets to set the course and His will is to be what we are to do our very best to follow. But, if we are honest, sometimes we prefer to pick and choose certain things that He taught while leaving others either undone or, at least, unemphasized. There is a passage of Scripture, stated by Jesus Himself, that is often treated this way. One part is sometimes emphasized, while the other is left unsaid, undone, or underemphasized. And, sadly, it is done to both sides of the passage. In Mark 16:15-16, Jesus stated, “Go into all the world and proclaim…
The Incompleteness of “He Gets Us”
For some time now, and most famously during the Super Bowl, an ad campaign has captured the attention of a lot of people. The ads feature people in various negative and hate-filled situations, but having their feet washed. The overarching message is that Jesus did not teach hate and then we see the famous tagline “He Gets Us.” To be fair, I have a certain level of appreciation for ads like these. They may not tell the entire story, but they do at least have some semblance of a message that points people to some aspect of the Christian faith. And, of course, there is no way that a few-seconds-long…