Church Life
The Rains Have Stopped but the Flooding Has Not
I am typing these words on September 5, 2017. I thought I would provide that information for a couple of reasons. Neither of those reasons has anything to do with the fact that this particular date has any monumental significance. First, since I do not know when this will actually appear online, I thought it would be appropriate to provide a kind of “time stamp” for my thoughts. I also provided that date because, as I type these words, Hurricane Harvey is beginning to “do a slow fade” from the news headlines. That “slow fade” has actually taken place in a relatively short time. It has only been eleven days since Harvey hit the…
Teach Me, Lord, to Wait
Teach me Lord to wait down on my knees, Till in Your own good time You answer my pleas; Teach me not to rely on what others do, But to wait in prayer for an answer from You. Teach me Lord to wait while hearts are aflame, Let me humble my pride and call on Your name. Keep my faith renewed, my eyes on Thee, Let me be on this earth what You want me to be. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Teach me…
We Cannot Water Down Baptism
You, like me, have friends and loved ones who are wonderfully sincere individuals, but who have never been baptized to put on Christ. We love them, but, at times, our love for them leads us to be unwilling to speak clearly and boldly about the essentiality of baptism for salvation. Our Lord Jesus Himself stated that it is essential. He told Nicodemus, “…unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). The Great Commission, given by Jesus, makes it crystal clear that one must be baptized to be saved from sin. He stated, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be…
A Challenging Song
Lists like the following one posted by my friend, Edd Sterchi make the rounds every once in a while. His title for the list was: “Hymns for the Sorta Committed” I Surrender Some It is Fairly Well with My Soul Oh, How I Like Jesus He’s a Little Bit to Me I Love to Let Someone Else Tell the Story Take My Life and Let Me Be Where He Leads, I’ll Consider Following Just as I Pretend to Be Onward Christian Reserves When the Saints Go Sneaking In Sit Down, Sit Down for Jesus My Hope is Built on Somewhat Less How Neglected is the Book Divine I Need Thee…
Episode 88: The Importance of an Organized Bible School Program [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Adam and Leah are both passionate about the Bible school program of a local congregation, both for young people and adults. On this week’s program, they share some information about the importance of thinking “big picture” with the program, and some resources to help with that. Resources Bible Chronology Timeline [Biblehub] The “66 Club” [Waterview church of Christ; pdf] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives
My Mother Spoke at Polishing the Pulpit Last Week
Those of you who know me know that my mother passed from this life in February of 2009. It was right after an epic ice storm that left so much damage in our area. The loss of my mother, even though I knew she was going to a better place, left a huge hole in my life and in my heart. You may be wondering about my mental state when you glance back at the title of this post. I hope you’ll bear with me as I explain. I also hope you will take the lesson and apply it to your life. I was blessed to be asked to teach five lessons for the…
Children’s Devo Idea: The Image of God
Last Sunday evening, we were blessed to have the 9th Avenue K-6 kids over to our house for a devotional. I got a couple of ideas for a devotional and took what I hope was the best of them to put together the lesson for the kids. I’d like to share it with you for a devotional idea, or something you may want to do in your family Bible time. For this devotional, you will need: 2 mirrors (one large and one handheld) A picture of a famous person A sheet of thick paper The basic idea behind this devotional is that you are trying to help the children see…
Your Problem with Religion is Your Fault
We all have a problem with religion. It may have to do with something we believe in theory but fail to faithfully practice. It may be a lack of knowledge concerning what the Bible teaches. It may be judging against what we see others practicing. It may be that we are disenchanted with certain aspects of the church, the leadership, the preaching, or the worship. We may be discouraged when other Christians are not as seemingly dedicated as we are. Do I need to make a list here? We have a problem with religion! Well, guess what? It’s our fault. 1. It’s our fault when we are disenchanted with worship.…
Crying on the Inside
As I type these words, a new school year is beginning in our community. By the time you read these words that event may be ancient history to you, your family, and your community. For some families, this becomes an almost “ho hum” experience. It is just another year with more or less the same students, buildings, activities, etc. However, for some families, the beginning of a school year means that a child will be away from home for the first time as he or she begins the pursuit of a college degree. For others, the beginning of a school year is a time of transition from elementary school to middle school or…
The Great Eclipse
It’s today! The Great American Solar Eclipse. I’ve been hearing about this for almost a year, seeing as I teach at a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Innovation school. We have been gearing up with professional development, activities appropriate for all ages and subjects, and online learning resources. Depending on the source you check, you may find different information about how long we go between solar eclipses. Did you know that’s because there is a difference in an annular eclipse and a total solar eclipse? Do you know the difference in the umbra and penumbra that happen during an eclipse? Those are fun facts that you may want to…