Church Life
A Legacy of Faith at Polishing the Pulpit 2017
If you are a regular reader of our site, you know that we are gearing up for Polishing the Pulpit. In fact, on the day this article is being posted, PtP 2017 starts tonight! (Can you tell we get just a smidge excited?) We love running into people we know and spending time with folks at PtP, but we are also blessed to have some members of the Legacy of Faith family asked to speak each year. Below are listed where we will be speaking or leading singing during the week. We’d love to see you there! [Keep in mind that all classes taught by ladies are for ladies only.]…
PtP Brain
As you read these words (if you are reading them early on Thursday morning), Jim and I are on our way to Sevierville, Tennessee for Polishing the Pulpit. This is one of our favorite weeks of the year for many reasons. We get to spend some time with at least one of our children and his family. We also get to see so many people we have come to know and love over these many years in ministry. The singing is phenomenal, and the lessons put you on a spiritual high. There is no bad language or immodest apparel. It’s really a little taste of heaven here on earth. I have…
Isaiah’s Proper Response: “Here Am I! Send Me.”
The opening verses of Isaiah 6 is a high point in Scripture. The glory of God is on full display and we are arrested by the splendor of it all. Still, though we are enthralled by the scene, can you imagine actually being there like Isaiah was? The astonishing nature of it all caused this great prophet to state his sinfulness, as well as that of the whole nation. Still, God showed that the sin of this man was cleansed. It is in that moment that God asks the question, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8) With the splendor of God all around, and with…
The Two Main Reasons David was Forgiven
In 2 Samuel we read of the grievous sin of King David. He sees Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, bathing. In his lust he sends for her, she comes to him, they lie together, and she conceives (2 Sam. 11:1-5). David is now in a real predicament. What is David going to do to cover up his sin? After numerous attempts fail to have Uriah, an officer in his army, come home to be with Bathsheba, David notifies his half-nephew and commander of his army, Joab, to participate in a scheme that would lead to Uriah’s death in battle. The battle ensues, Uriah is abandoned and killed, and…
Sneaky Idols
I think it was the great “philosopher” Yogi Berra who said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” In his unique way, he said something that is really true. The following thought may not be quite as profound as that, but I think that it is also true. I think one can hear a lot just be listening. It might be a bit more accurate to suggest that a person can learn a lot just by listening. It seems that real listening is happening less and less. All you have to do is to watch and listen to some of the “talking heads” on cable news channels. They all talk at the same time. Nobody…
Episode 87: Polishing the Pulpit Preview, “Is Satan Stealing Our Families?” and More! [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah talk about the beginning of the homeschool year. Then, they preview Polishing the Pulpit, both in general and some of the lessons they are presenting. Finally, they discuss a great article about how things that are not sinful can begin to eat away at our families and become idols. Resources below. Links Polishing the Pulpit [Homepage] Polishing the Pulpit Schedule [pdf] “Is Satan Stealing Our Families?” [Brie Gowen] More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the…
Satan Doesn’t Care
In our Bible class last Sunday morning we were discussing the “whole armor of God,” detailed in Ephesians 6. We spent some time talking about the spiritual realm, which is beyond my comprehension. How, exactly, does Satan roam the earth? Who all, exactly, make up the “cosmic powers over this present darkness” from verse 12? We also spent time with the specifics of the pieces of armor: The belt of truth, which holds all things together. The breastplate of righteousness, which protects from the kill shot to the heart. The helmet of salvation, which guards our minds by giving us an assurance of eventual victory in Christ. It was at some…
2 Responses for Those Who Say, “If We Only Had Miracles Today”
Every so often, I will hear or read the thoughts of someone who wants there to be miracles in our modern times. Of course, the New Testament clearly teaches that miracles served their purpose of confirming the Word, and they were done away with once the written Word was complete (study 1 Corinthians 12-14 carefully, along with other passages). However, as we strive to reach others with the Gospel, we can begin to pine for the days when some amazing miracle drew a crowd. So, people then begin to think, “If we only had miracles today, people would believe.” Trust me, I get where they are coming from. It can…
Do We Really Want to be With God?
The words of a particular song often sung by the church go like this – “I just want to be where You are, in Your dwelling place forever. I don’t want to worship from afar, draw me near to where You are. I want to be where You are, dwelling in Your presence, feasting at Your table, surrounded by Your glory. In Your presence, that’s where I always want to be. I just want to be, I just want to be with You.” The obvious message in this song is the desire we have to be in heaven with God forever. We don’t want to be separated from Him at…
Me and _______
In 1972, a singer by the name of Billy Paul recorded and released Me and Mrs. Jones. Even if you have not heard the song, you might guess that, in the words of the song, “We got a thing going on.” I’m sure that, when that song was released, both preachers and English teachers were disturbed. Preachers (and anybody else concerned about biblical morality) were probably and justifiably concerned about the open way in which two people who had no right to be meeting were, in fact, doing just that at a designated place and time every day. English teachers probably pulled their hair out because of at least two phrases in…