Church Life
Paul, Sports, and Preaching
Illustrating sermons is an artform. It is one that I have always struggled with. So this is not being written by some expert in that part of sermon preparation. However, there is something I have heard a fairly significant number of preachers say that bothers me. They will be getting ready to share a sermon illustration–maybe their second or third in a sermon–and they’ll say something like this: “Paul wrote about sports a lot, so I’m going to go back to the world of sports.” With that, they will launch into a story from some sport to illustrate the point they are making. Now, let me say this: I am…
There’s Nothing to Do Here
I’ve never lived in a major metropolitan area. I grew up in a rural area outside the city limits of a town that, according to the latest census figures that I could find, has about 6,500 residents. After Donna and I married, we actually lived in that same town for the first eight years of our marriage. Since then, we have lived in (or just outside of) towns with populations of about 1,500, 8,000, and 27,000. That last figure is the population for Paducah, Kentucky, where we presently live. That figure may be a little misleading, though. That is the population for people who live within the actual city limits. There…
VBS: Valley Bible Studies
Recently, Luke was part of helping a new work get off the ground for the congregation in Salem, Virginia where he is now the Youth and Family Minister. The work is called “Valley Bible Studies” (or, VBS) and is a multi-pronged effort. Below is a document he has shared with us about the various aspects of this online work. Click here to see the website and be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast app. Breaking-Down-Valley-Bible-StudiesDownload
Skating on Thin Ice
The temperature the last few days has been frigid and, added to that, we have snow covering everything. It’s a beautiful sight to behold. Our house is located on a decorative pond with a fountain at one end. In spite of the sub zero temperatures, that fountain has continued to run and that end of the pond isn’t frozen solid. Our end looks like a beautiful ice skating rink, but it isn’t. While working in our office, I noticed two young people leaning down over the side of the pond and hitting the ice with a hammer. Then I noticed that they were wearing, not ice skates, but roller blades.…
The Iowa Caucuses and Evangelism
As this post is being released, the first true results of the 2024 election cycle will be in. Iowa held caucuses and people let it be known which candidate they preferred. But this is not a political article. It’s about how the coverage of these events always works, and how we can’t let it infiltrate a congregation’s evangelistic efforts. Huh? Here’s what I mean: every four years, when these first-in-the-nation events happen in an election, there will be wall-to-wall coverage. We will hear about how long candidates have been in the state. We will hear about the tremendous amount of work they have done. We will hear about how much…
I Will vs. I Wish
Most who read this will probably be familiar with the section of scripture that is often referred to as “The Parable of the Prodigal Son.” If that is not the case, I invite/encourage you to read Luke 15:11-32. Neither the space usually used on these posts nor my ability will allow me to fathom the depths of this important text. With that being said, I would like for all of us to think about what I consider to be two important words found therein. I believe that they are worthy of our consideration at any time, but it may be the case that they deserve especially careful consideration at this…
Another Year is Gone
How quickly time flies these days! I’ve heard it several times from friends who are in my same age bracket: “The years just seem to fly by…,” “I can’t even keep up with the days when time is going by so quickly,” “Another year has flown by,” “Is it Christmas already? What happened to Autumn?” These are just a few of the comments I have heard recently. And I have to admit that I have felt the same way. The older I get, the faster time seems to go! As this new year begins, I have decided to look at time differently. I’m planning to have a list of those things…
Who’s On the List?
It may have already been published by the time this post goes live. It was said a while back that a certain list of names would be released at the beginning of the year, though no specific date and time were given. Many in the public have been holding their breath to see who is on there. We are told that the names will include many people known throughout the world, including some very high profile people in business and politics. But the names, we are told, will also include some who we do not know, from victims of terrible things to others who were involved in various ways. As…
Nothing for the Back
Once again, a small statement included within a sermon chock full of thought-provoking truths is the inspiration for today’s article. Michael Grooms, Willow Avenue’s pulpit minister, recently made the simple statement noting that, in the list of our Christian armor (found in Ephesians 6:10-18), there are no pieces of the armor for the back of our bodies. He went on to point out that we are to constantly be moving forward toward our goal of heaven and taking others with us, not retreating. I don’t know about you, but many times in today’s world, I feel like I am on the defensive. My morality doesn’t fit with the crowd. My…
A Thought about the Pearl
Over the years, including a number of times recently, I have had conversations with people who have left the denominational world in order to be “just Christians.” One of the things that is of interest to me is how so many of those who have done this speak of how they love the Truth and how they want to make sure the Lord’s church is unstained by doctrinal error. On the other hand, I have also had conversations with people who were “raised in the church,” but who now desire for the church to change. They want to see the church not be so stuck in the past and they…