Church Life
I Guess That We’re All Lucky
In 1964, the play Funny Girl opened on Broadway. Its star, Barbara Streisand, introduced a song which became one of her most well-known songs for years to come. According to that song… People who need people are the luckiest people in the world. While doing some research on a topic I was recently asked to address, I came across some interesting information. According to something I read, what was called “social isolation” is more detrimental to our health than smoking multiple cigarettes a day. (“Multiple” was not defined.) Since I read that, I’ve also read that social isolation is also worse for our physical health than obesity. On May 2…
I Like Quitters
Because of some travels, I have seen it a number of times in recent months. The first time I saw it, it just made me angry. In the times since, it has continued to do so, but has also made me sad. Now, it is just a billboard, but it is infuriating to me. Frankly, it is offensive to me. Before I tell you what the billboard is for, let me share the tagline, or motto. It states, “No one likes a quitter.” You might think that would be a decent tagline for something like a stay in school campaign. Or, maybe it would be something humorous (but possibly ill-received)…
The “score” is very lopsided. There is a word that, in one form or another, is found nineteen times in the King James Version of The New Testament. That word deals with how Christians are to worship and interact with one another. The basic meaning of the word in all of its forms is that of building up. The importance of the word might be demonstrated in the last portion of 1 Cor. 14:26. …Let all things be done unto edifying. It is of more than a little interest and importance this particular verse deals with what is to happen when a church comes together to worship. This is not necessarily true of…
Testing Season
Most of the readers of this blog can probably finish the Biblical phrase “testing produces …” without too much trouble. If you can’t, please look up James 1:3. As we are nearing the end (finally) of our state testing window, this phrase has been on my mind quite a bit. In fact, I have questioned it. As a special education teacher, I am called upon to give the same test multiple times, often with different accommodations. Some of these sessions have been with students who may have a known disability that impacts their test taking. Others have simply been make-up sessions for students who were absent from the general population…
I’m going to revert to a technique I used in my former life as a high school teacher. I’m going to give you a pop quiz. Unlike the pop quizzes I gave then, this one only has two questions. 1. Who sang the theme song for the 1980 movie Fame? 2. How many members of the cast can you name? I find it a little interesting if you are having a difficult time with either or both of those questions. That is especially true since these two lines are repeated throughout the song: I’m gonna live forever.Baby, remember my name. Since I never saw the movie, I’m totally unaware of…
When Your World is Spinning
Have you ever felt like you were in the middle of a whirlwind? You know what I mean – everything is spinning out of control and you feel like each day gets busier than the last one. With so much going on and only a limited amount of time to get it all done, you may want to just stop the train you’re on and get off at the relaxation station! I’ve felt that way lately. I try to plan my days so I can accomplish what I need to get done that day. Sometimes I make written lists and check them off so, at least, I feel like I…
Building Up the Preacher’s Wife
She–along with elders’ wives–holds one of the most difficult “roles” in the Lord’s Church. It is difficult because it is not defined in Scripture, but is often “defined” by each member of a congregation, and she’s just expected to know that. From talking with dozens and dozens of families over the years, allow me to let you in on a little secret. You may not believe it at first, but I promise you it is true. It is this: there is a very high likelihood that your preacher’s wife feels very lonely. Her husband has dozens of people come up to him each week and basically tell him how great…
Which Lesson Was Learned
She seemed like a very sweet little girl. From her actions, it seemed obvious to me that she was not in the habit of attending a worship service – at least not on a regular basis. At various times, she looked at the young lady sitting next to her. Her expression seemed to ask a question. The question may have been, “What does this mean?” It could have been, “What are we doing now?” It was obvious to me that, if it was not one of those two questions, it was something like one of them. It also seemed very obvious to me that she was genuinely interested. I watched…
Jesus vs. Family
One of the teachings of Jesus that is often just quickly passed over has to do with family. In Matthew 10:34-37, Jesus stated: Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. Often, when we…
Unimaginable Culture Shock
It is a blessing to participate in Bible classes that are both doctrinally sound and practical. I’ve recently had that privilege. To me, it is always an added bonus when the teacher gets me to think of something I had not really previously considered and/or helps me to consider something from a new perspective. That was the case recently when the teacher was discussing what was actually a minor part of the lesson for that day. While that may have been the case, this point that he made almost in passing has occupied a major part of my thinking since hearing it. I may never “get over it.” In fact,…