Church Life

  • Church Life

    We’re All in This Together

    To be honest, I’m a little new to this whole thing, you know, the whole, “I’m the one who writes, and you’re the ones who read.” And I’m sure you’re wondering “What’s a fifteen year old girl doing writing this article?” Well, I’ve actually brewed up a topic for this article, believe it or not. The topic in question is our called duty to work as “God’s Army.” But what does that mean? I’m not in the army, right? Why are God’s people supposed to be an army? Isn’t that violent? As a younger christian I never was able to grasp this idea; the idea that we are a called…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    When the Preacher Responds

    I remember it very well. I was preaching a sermon on the subject of being a Christian husband and, as the sermon went on, I realized that I had not been the type of husband that I was preaching about. So, at the conclusion of the invitation song, I motioned for people to be seated even though no one had walked down the aisle. After that, I walked back up to the pulpit and publicly repented of not being the type of husband I needed to be, asking God and my wife for forgiveness, and seeking prayers of encouragement. It was the only time I had ever responded in that…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    Ruined by a Towel Rack

    I’ve been reading a book recently by brother Charles B. Hodge, Jr. entitled All Christians are Leaders. It might be possible for me to fill another book with some of the insights I’ve gained from that experience, but I will limit myself to one story he told in his book. Brother Hodge wrote that, for years, he was known as the “man with a towel.” When he was preaching full-time, white towels were purchased and the word “servant”  was stamped on them. These towels were given to men when they became deacons. There were also “Towel Sundays,” at which time towels were presented to people who “served in the shadows.” These people had been…

  • Church Life

    How Soon We Forget

    I just attended my class reunion for the class of ‘67… yes, that means that I graduated from high school 55 years ago… and yes, that means I’m getting old. I had a wonderful time with those classmates who were able to come and we reminisced about those happy high school days when we were young and full of energy. I remember hearing the phrase “remember when” a great deal on both Friday and Saturday evenings. There were some things I had forgotten about until someone would give the details and it would all come flooding back. We enjoyed being with one another again, reliving the past and hearing about what is…

  • Church Life,  Homeschooling

    Words Matter, Literally

    I’ve had the idea for this article for a long time, and have just waited for something newsworthy to use as the basis for getting it on paper. Recently, that happened, and I hope it shows the power of one word and how the meaning of words really matters. Words mean things, and those meanings can change over time. However, there are some changes in meaning that can have serious consequences if we do not think them through. If you look up the word “literally” in a dictionary, you know what to expect; or do you? We know what that word means. We use it to emphasize something that might…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Little Things Can Be Big Deals

    On a recent afternoon Donna received a call unlike any other she had ever received. Our oldest granddaughter was out doing some job hunting and called to ask if she could come by for a visit. That may seem like no big deal to many who read this, but it was a first for us.   You see, once our children “left the nest,” we had never lived in the same town with either of them. None of us had any opportunity to stop by and visit.   All of that changed about four years ago, when our son and his family moved to Paducah, but, at that time, neither of his children were old…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Trust God

    Bible Heroes

    When you think about the heroes in the Bible, who comes to your mind? Maybe you think of people like Moses or Joshua leading God’s people out of Egypt and into the promised land. Perhaps Daniel or his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego come to the forefront of your mind because of their bravery in a foreign land. Maybe Esther or Ruth. Maybe you just turn to Hebrews 11 and read through that great “Hall of Faith.” Sometime in the past, I made a note on my phone referencing 2 Corinthians 4 with this thought: God is the hero of every story–even ours–if we keep our eyes on Him. All…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Trust God

    When the Desire is Gone

    How would you like to have been a newspaper reporter during the Great Depression? Can you imagine trying to cover that era and find new angles to something that lasted year after year? Recently, I was reading a book about some events in 1932 and came across a quote from a Chicago newspaper that was truly powerful. A reporter was talking about a posh and exciting event being held in that city, but it was basically right across the street from a park. In that park, many unemployed gathered. Some were homeless, while others just sort of were there to be with others who were in the same pit of…

  • Church Life

    Chameleons — Fascination and Frustration

    I cannot remember a time when I was not fascinated by chameleons. Among all of the defense mechanisms that the Creator built into some of His creation, the ability to change the appearance in order to blend in with the surroundings is one of the most remarkable. From a very early age, I’ve read about chameleons, seen pictures of them, watched videos, etc. At times, it takes some effort to distinguish this lizard-like creature from a leaf, the bark of a tree, and/or whatever else is in the background. It is my understanding that some species are more adept at this transformation than others, but merely the ability to do this is interesting…

  • Church Life,  Family

    I Have No Desire to be Anywhere Else

    Isn’t it wonderful to be content with where you are? Maybe it’s your time in life and you are happy with what you are doing at this particular point in time. Maybe it’s the home in which you live, or maybe it’s the town or state where you are located. I recently heard someone say, while talking about the state in which they live, that they wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I understand what they meant, because I’m somewhat like them, but their statement made me think. Would I really want to be on this earth forever? A song came to my mind, and I’m sure you can guess…