Church Life
L3 – H3
This may set the record for the world’s shortest post (or at least my shortest post). One of the reasons for that is that I don’t want anything I have to say get in the way of what I think is a very important message. I recently listened to an interview with a fairly recently retired professional football player. He won multiple awards while in college and played for thirteen seasons in the National Football League. None of that was the focus on what he was talking about during the interview, though. The interview was more about his faith and the philosophy of life that he seeks to instill in…
A Time for Rest
Over the course of our 54 years of marriage, Jim and I have done a good bit of traveling. Some of it has been for work purposes (gospel meetings, ladies’ days, seminars, and lectureships), but some of it has been for vacation and relaxation. When our children were young we tried to take them to places that would be fun but also educational. Usually, these were not very relaxing trips. As we have gotten older and don’t go as much, we try to find places that will not only be beautiful, but also relaxing. We’ve traveled in almost every direction from our home in Paducah, Kentucky, and we have always enjoyed…
The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned by Preaching Through Mark
It has been quite an odyssey, and Central has been great to be along for the ride. At the beginning of 2023 (notice…not 2024), it was announced that Noah Davis and I would be preaching through the Gospel according to Mark. We made it clear that it would not be every Sunday morning, but that we were going to take two years to go through that book. Now, as November 2024 approaches, we are about to land the plane. Lord willing, the four Sunday mornings of November will be spent bringing this study to a close with sermons on (1) the second part of the crucifixion, (2) the burial, (3)…
Week of October 28: “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
This week, Leah concludes the first period of Bible history, the Antediluvian Period, on her video study for ladies. If the video does not display or work below, click here to watch on YouTube. On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” Adam was pleased to share the microphone this week with Robert Hatfield, who gives a wonderful thought from Philippians 4. To listen, click here.
Peace that Passes Understanding
Philippians 4:5-7 has long been one of my favorite scriptures. I love the connections made between God being near, not being anxious, and our thankful communication with God, making our requests known to Him. As I was studying for a recent ladies’ day, I was reminded of something we noticed in my Wednesday night Bible class some time ago that, to me, is the best example of that peace in the Bible. It should come as no surprise that the perfect example comes from our Lord, but maybe not a time when you would expect it. In the gospels we read of His pleading with God to allow the cup…
Week of October 21: “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
This week on “Into the Heart of the Bible,” Leah teaches the first of two lessons on the period before the flood, the Antediluvian Period. Here is the video. (If the video is not appearing, click here to watch on YouTube.) On “Something from the Margin of My Bible,” a quick note about some things you might want to put at the beginning of a book of the Bible, using Exodus as a guide. To listen, click here or subscribe in your favorite podcast app.
Milestones and Millstones
By the time you read this the members of the Central church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky will have passed a milestone in our history. Yesterday (10/20/24), we had some activities that were designed to recognize the fact that this congregation has been worshiping and working together for sixty years. It is my prayer that what happened yesterday is just that – a milestone. I would hate for it (or anything else) to become a millstone. Milestones indicate things like movement, progress, advancement, etc. There may be a desired goal or a destination that a group or an individual has in mind. Milestones help in assessing how “the journey” is…
I know that Adam’s post yesterday was about his memories of his relationship with the Central church of Christ, but I want to go a little farther back in time and tell you about our history with this great congregation of God’s people. In 1996 Jim and I began working for Freed-Hardeman University while living in Paducah, Kentucky. We worked for the offices of Advancement and Admissions and traveled a four state area with our center in Paducah. It was our job to visit different congregations and present material about and an introduction to FHU. We asked for funds for the Bible Department and recruited students. We planned a visit to the…
Thank You, Central
Okay, so today’s post is going to be very personal, but I hope you’ll indulge me for one week. As this post is being released, the Central church of Christ (where I preach) is just a handful of days away from a milestone day. This coming Sunday, we will celebrate our 60th anniversary as a congregation. We decided to wait until this late in the year to coordinate the anniversary with the beginning of our Gospel Meeting. We are praying that helps us have a huge crowd and a joyous time of fellowship. Of course, I have only been at Central from a small amount of those 60 years. Even…
A Rare Combination (That Shouldn’t be Rare)
Recently, I was visiting with one of the members of the church where I serve as one of the elders. One of his daughters from another state was taking advantage of a week off from her work to stay with him. Unfortunately, his health is declining to the point that somebody needs to be with him at all times. Since he is a widower, he no longer has a spouse who can help. Fortunately, this daughter and her siblings are seeing to it that this need is met. During the course of conversation with both the father and the daughter, the daughter said something kind of “out of the blue.”…