Church Life
Are You Wearing a Mask?
Millions have been ordered from various vendors like Amazon. Most of the stores are sold out. If you order them online they “might” be delivered in May. And then there is the whole discussion about which ones will actually protect you from the virus. Some say you should wear a mask when you are out in public for protection, while others say that only those infected with the virus should wear a mask. To wear or not to wear…that is the question. Of course, I’m talking about wearing masks to avoid contracting a virus that could be potentially life-threatening. Please don’t think that I’m taking the subject lightly or trying to…
Before We Post
There is a story that makes the rounds from time to time about a preacher who was frustrated because some people were no longer worshiping regularly. They were also not contributing financially as they once had done. One of the members knew of his frustration and volunteered to write a letter to each of these people. While the man had a good heart, he was also not known to be very tactful. Along with that, it was known that he was not very highly educated. Because of the preacher’s frustration and because he had done all he knew to do, he decided to give the man the names of the people and…
Episode 133: Lessons Learned from Studying The Song of Solomon [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Adam recently completed teaching a marriage class based on The Song of Solomon. Leah was in the class, so, today, they talk about some reasons why this difficult book needs to be studied and some lessons they learned from the study. Parents, this may be a podcast you want to preview before letting your children listen, as much of the subject matter in The Song of Solomon deals with human sexuality. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes…
Trading the Endless Sea for a Tiny Pool
When I was a kid, I collected baseball cards. I enjoyed opening packs, trying to build certain sets, and getting cards of my favorite players. While I didn’t do it often, I also enjoyed trading cards. Sometimes, even if I “lost” the trade financially, I ended up with a card I really wanted, so it was worth it. We all understand the meaning of trading and of losing a deal. It hurts when you think you have made a good trade only to realize you got crushed, and maybe by someone who manipulated you into a bad deal. What is worse, though, is when we intentionally choose the lesser over…
Do You Need to Go to the Doctor?
I don’t know about you but I hate going to the doctor. First of all, I don’t like being poked and prodded. Secondly, I don’t like taking up half of the day traveling to the location, waiting in the lobby, waiting in the room, and then finally spending what seems like 3 minutes of the last 4 hours getting some help. Did I mention the germs and coughs and the war zone atmosphere of the waiting area? If you weren’t already sick you always think that you need to put on a gas mask or bathe in acid or antibacterial fluids once you have been exposed to all of that.…
Seriously But Not Literally
Sometime ago, I became aware of a book with an intriguing title. It is also, at least to me, a somewhat confusing title. I think that it was, in some measure, designed to be that way in order to “grab” the attention of the prospective reader. The title of the book is Reading the Bible Again For the First Time. If something is done again, how can it be the case that it can also be done for the first time? Apparently, this catchy title is intended to encourage people to read the Bible from an entirely new perspective. We are to read it as though we are reading it for the first…
Thoughts About Life
I remember so clearly my parents, when they were older, loving to have a bird feeder outside of their window in the winter. Watching the birds feed seemed to fill much of their time, and my dad would even name the birds (even though I’m sure he didn’t know one cardinal from another). What goes around comes around I suppose, and with the return of the cold weather a couple of weeks ago, Jim and I have enjoyed watching the birds on our bird feeder. We can see them from our sunroom and from our home office. At this point in life, we don’t have quite as much time to…
Falling Through the Cracks
In 1957, a student at North Canton Middle School in Ohio laid down a purse. How or why it was done, there is no way to know now. But the purse was put between a small gap between a set of lockers and a wall in the hallway of the school. So far, the story is boring. A purse was set down, like so many others. What makes the story interesting is that the purse was picked up. Last month. January of 2020. A janitor was replacing a piece of stripping between the lockers and wall just last month when he saw a purse in the small gap. It was…
How Can You Know You Are In The Right Church?
Imagine that you were a person in the world who knew nothing about God or Jesus or the Bible. But you had an inclination towards belief in God and you wanted to know more and you understood that religious institutions existed for a reason and perhaps they could help. So you decide to visit a local church. How do you even begin to know if you are in the right place? It seems that all churches should exist for the same reason. And you would expect to receive some direction from the people who attend there. When you arrived you would want to feel welcomed. You would want people to…
I recently learned that somebody referred to the people with whom I have worshiped for over nineteen years as “the misfit church.” Not only am I a member of this church, but I served for sixteen years as a minister and have, for sixteen years served as one of the elders. (Many of those years overlapped.) As you might imagine, the description I heard caught my attention. I’m only guessing (but I’ve got a pretty good idea that I may be guessing correctly) that calling a group of people “misfits” was not meant as a high compliment. It could be that we “earned” that label in somebody’s mind because of what we choose…