Church Life

  • Church Life

    Go Into All the World

    What would you do if you could visit every nation on earth, even if it took years and years to complete that list, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe? Some might just want to visit and have their passport stamped. After all, how amazing would it be to say you had set foot on every nation! Some might want to buy a small trinket or souvenir to have proof of their visit to every nation. One British man, though, recently completed a very different type of worldwide tour. In the city of Athens, he ran a marathon. That run added Greece as the 196th–and final–nation (recognized by the United Nations) that he…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    Rules for Children in Worship

    Taking kids into the assembly can be a very daunting experience. With children now ages 18, 15 and 12, we have done our share of time in the pew. I should mention that the entire burden has been mostly upon my wife and that she gets all the credit for raising three children who (mostly) pay attention and engage andriol in worshiping God. I am thankful for her diligent work with our kids. This article is meant to encourage young families who have children who may be grade school age and younger. First, please know that we are so thankful for you and your families. Know that we support you…

  • Church Life

    The Used To’s

    Religious surveys have revealed that there is a growing number of people in our society that are now being identified as “the nones.” The nones are people who profess no affiliation with any particular religious group, philosophy, doctrine, etc. A significant amount of material has been written about the nones. They are the subject of numerous lectures, seminars, workshops, etc. Religious leaders have given much attention to trying to figure out why people profess no religious preference and how to reach them.   It may be of interest to know that, according to one article I read, there is one reason for a person identifying as a none that stands out above all…

  • Church Life

    A Plea to Return to the Lord

    The title of this post is the title that some man gave to chapter 14 of the book of Hosea. For weeks (possibly a few months), our Tuesday afternoon ladies’ Bible class has been studying the book of the prophet Hosea. It is uncomfortable, to say the least. Those first three chapters are really hard for us to understand since God tells Hosea to marry a wife of whoredom – a prostitute if you will – a woman named Gomer (if that’s your name, I’m sorry). We recognize that Hosea represents God in this writing and that Gomer, his wife, represents Israel. The northern Kingdom of Israel is involved in many different sins…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Finding Treasure Right Where You Are

    Just a few days ago, a father and son in North Carolina made a remarkable discovery. On a 14-acre piece of land they bought a few years ago, they found a piece of wood sticking out of the ground due to recent dryer, almost drought-like conditions. As they worked down near the wood, they figured out that the wood was part of a ship that was a little over 100 years old! The area used to be used for gold mines, but when those were basically given up on, some of the equipment was also left behind and forgotten. Now, over 100 years later, this father and son got the…

  • Church Life

    Recruiting vs. Evangelizing

    I’ve watched a couple of programs that have been on television lately about the history of college football. I hope to watch all of them at some point, but have not been able to do so. One of the programs I watched was focused on how the entire process of recruiting young men (boys) to play football has changed over the years. Two scenes from that program still stand out in my mind. The first scene was an interview with a man who played football for a legendary college coach a number of years ago. He described one memorable Thanksgiving dinner. At the time, he was a senior in high school. During the dinner, the…

  • Church Life,  Family

    The Wisest Man

    Solomon has taken over as ruler of God’s special people upon his father David’s death. He is a young man with a tremendous responsibility. Perhaps that is why we are all so impressed with the direction of his thoughts when God said to him, “Ask! What shall I give you?” (1 Kings 3:5) I don’t know for sure what my astralean request would be. I think I know myself well enough that it would revolve around my family, but I’m pretty sure at that young age I wouldn’t have had the maturity Solomon showed when he asked for wisdom in order to fairly judge the Lord’s people. 1 Kings 3:10…

  • Church Life

    Is God Punishing Me?

    One of the questions that I receive often as a preacher comes from people who are unhappy with their circumstances. In their efforts to steer their life in a certain direction, when things just don’t seem to work out the way they hoped, they ask in their discouragement, “Why is all of this happening to me?” Or maybe, “Is God punishing me?” Just google: “Is God Punishing Me?” You’ll find out that people ask this all the time and there are a lot of wild and false answers coming back to them. But I want to attempt to answer the question from Scripture. In other words, why don’t we just…

  • Church Life

    From Shoveling with a Stranger to Worshiping with a Brother

    I suppose that it has been somewhere around forty years since the suggestion was made. I lived in a small community and was preaching for a relatively small church. The good people of this church had taken a chance on a fellow with absolutely no experience in “full-time preaching.”    I decided that one way I could serve would be to conduct a regular Bible class at the only nursing home in town. I didn’t realize that somebody besides the residents was listening to that class. I found out that this was the case when the lady who served as the activity director approached me with the following suggestion: “You need to talk…

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  • Church Life,  Family

    Are Women Really the “Weaker Vessel”?

    It was by the Holy Spirit that the apostle Peter wrote, “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7). I am going to begin by responding to this passage of Scripture by saying something that is politically incorrect. Men and women are different. That’s right folks, you heard it here first. You are reading an article written by someone who still feels it is appropriate for men and women to use different public restrooms. God made men and women to be…