Church Life
Graduation Day
It seems like it was only yesterday when I was staring through the window of a hospital newborn nursery. I was looking at one of the five most beautiful babies ever born (yes, I am prejudiced). He was our first grandchild, and I was so in love with him that I told the hospital cleaning lady that she needed to come with me to see him! Last Saturday tears of joy and pride (and a little sadness) streamed down my face as I heard “Pomp and Circumstance” being played and watched that young man walk into an arena to graduate from high school. Could eighteen years have passed so quickly? If you…
525,600 Minutes
In the musical Rent, there is a song that reminds the listeners that there are 525,600 minutes in each year. Recently, I heard that song performed as part of a middle school choir show, but my mind turned away from the musical and to the lyrics of another song. It is a song we do not sing in worship as often as we once did, but the lyrics still resonate in my mind from time-to-time. The most poignant line of that song, in my opinion, asks the following profound question: How are we using God’s golden moments?“Into Our Hands,” Tillit S. Tedlie As I put the thoughts of these two…
A More Mature Understanding of Grace
A few years ago I recall a young lady in our youth group expressing some interesting thoughts immediately after her baptism. She actually said a couple of things: One was that she was looking forward to going to sleep because she knew that she was right with the Lord. A second thing was that she was hoping perhaps the Lord would go ahead and come back before she had any chance of doing something that would cause her once again to be lost. I remember as a young Christian having similar feelings. In fact, right after my baptism, I can remember a prayer I used to pray for a few…
People are Talking
It usually begins with something like this: “You know that we’ve been friends for years and that I wouldn’t hurt you for the world.” Brace yourself. Here it comes: “I just think that you should know that people are talking.” It is very difficult for me to think of a time when those three words – “people are talking” – have ever been followed by something positive. Sadly, it seems to be very, very rare for anybody to voluntarily tell another person that people are saying nice things about that person, his or her family, etc. If you hear those three words, you can just about bank on the fact…
Language Lessons
I am an admitted word nerd. I love language and anyone who knows me is not surprised to read that I love to talk. I have a degree in communication and reading is my escape mechanism. In a recent sermon, Jeremiah talked about the people in Genesis 11 who formulated a plan to “…build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth” (verse 4). If I remember correctly, he posed the question, “What was that common language?” I remember for sure that he queried how it all…
Something You Can Do That People Will Never Forget
This past Sunday evening I preached a sermon with the lesson text coming from 1 Kings 2. This is David’s charge to his son Solomon just before his death. I was using this passage as a jumping off place for a lesson for our graduates. The goal was to give them advice in order for them to lead successful, godly lives. My second son, Daniel, who has this uncanny ability to look deeper into the text and point out something other people miss, made a comment to me afterward about the passage. He mentioned a man that I had somehow overlooked who was remembered along with his sons. If I…
13 Lessons Worth Learning
Some who read this will recognize the name of Ron Sandefer. I am honored to be able to refer to him as a friend and a brother in the Lord. Ron is a serious, dedicated, and excellent student of God’s Word. On those occasions when Ron is in a worship service when I am preaching or a Bible class when I am teaching, I wonder why I am the one doing the preaching and/or teaching. Recently, I had the privilege of being in one of his classes. During that class, he provided a handout that I am, with his permission, reproducing below. It is my prayer that it will be…
Free Resources for Memorizing Facts about Luke
Each year, Lads to Leaders chooses a book (or books) of the Bible to emphasize for Bible Bowl and from which the annual theme is selected. For 2019-2020, that is the book of Luke. We try to incorporate that particular book into several things we do as a family, while also encouraging our young people at church to learn more about the book, too. So, this year, we have two things we want to share with you for free that you might find helpful in studying Luke for the next several months. Centurion of Scripture In Centurion of Scripture, students memorize 100 verses of the Bible. For Lads to Leaders,…
Episode 120: Using Lads to Leaders Year-Round in Your Home or Congregation [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) Lads to Leaders is a training program for young people, but many people do not realize how robust the program is, and how many of the events can be done, even right in your home. On this week’s program, Adam and Leah talk about using several of the events in your family Bible time throughout the year. They also encourage congregations to use Lads to Leaders as a way to built intergenerational relationships. Resources Lads to Leaders [Homepage] Lads to Leaders Rulebook [pdf] Advanced Bible Reader website [Apologetics Press] 100 memory verses from…
Beyond First Impressions
Don’t get me wrong. I think first impressions are important. That’s why I try to teach my children (including my own, my Lads to Leaders girls, and my school kids) that manners and an opening smile are important! However, those first impressions are just that … impressions. They are based on perception and could be flawed for any number of reasons. The “impressed” could have a skewed view based on timing, mood, or what they expect. The “impresser” could be trying to give off a certain vibe that makes that gives a false negative or positive. Recently, I have experienced first impressions that were not a full view of the…