Church Life
Beyond First Impressions
Don’t get me wrong. I think first impressions are important. That’s why I try to teach my children (including my own, my Lads to Leaders girls, and my school kids) that manners and an opening smile are important! However, those first impressions are just that … impressions. They are based on perception and could be flawed for any number of reasons. The “impressed” could have a skewed view based on timing, mood, or what they expect. The “impresser” could be trying to give off a certain vibe that makes that gives a false negative or positive. Recently, I have experienced first impressions that were not a full view of the…
“Following the Messiah” : A Great Free Resource You’ll Want to Watch with Your Family
(Screenshot from Appian Media website) Not long ago, I was informed of a series of videos that is available online for free, and I was told that they were high-quality. Always on the lookout for ideas for our family Bible time, I checked into them. Earlier this week, we finished watching the 10 videos as a family, and we all think it is one of the best things we have ever done for our family Bible time. The video series is called “Following the Messiah,” and is produced by Appian Media. These are high-quality, rich-content videos that you will both enjoy and learn from. Produced with fantastic quality, “Following the…
She may have just received some very bad news from the doctor. He may have just lost his job. They may have just lost a child (maybe even in the womb). Hopes and dreams may have vanished into thin air. A seemingly permanent separation has occurred between or among family members or friends. The loss of a spouse, though not recent, still hurts, and the one who remains is still lonely. The aging process is not going well at all. Repeatedly, prayers are sent heavenward, but a spouse, a sibling, a child, or a grandchild remains unsaved or unfaithful. He or she struggles with sin. Surrender has never been seen…
Have You Had a Pity Party Lately?
Jim and I were sitting and discussing some things one morning and the statement was made, “I don’t know why we would ever have a pity party.” You know what that is, don’t you? A session (party) in which you feel sorry for yourself. It usually involves whining and a facial expression that is either sad or mad. Maybe you didn’t get the trophy you wanted, the raise you thought you deserved, the grade you worked hard for, the family you wish you had, or the recognition you should have had. Maybe it’s your health that isn’t great and you forget about all the good days you have had. They…
Thinking about the Present
At the recent Lads to Leaders convention, it was a joy to hear so many good speeches. Each was challenging and engaging in their own way, and I feel encouraged by the things I heard. During the Sunday morning worship, one of the young men was speaking and had been asked to extend the Lord’s invitation at the conclusion of his lesson. As he did, he said something that stuck out to me and has caused me to do some reflection. He reminded us of the plan of salvation (hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized) and of the opportunity to respond as a Christian if we were in need of…
You Don’t Only Live Once
When I found out I had cancer it changed me. Some of it was for the better, and some of it was for the worse. Fourteen years later, I now understand that when we go through a major event in our lives that alters us forever, there is an adjustment phase. Sometimes while in that adjustment phase we think we have stumbled on to some brilliant realization. But over time, we may find that we were too influenced by the moment to really be thinking clearly. One of the realities you are brought to when you get a diagnosis that may result in your death is the brevity of life.…
“When It’s Not Fun Anymore”
I was thinking recently about a famous couple who “called it quits” a few years ago. Of course, they were not married to each other. You wouldn’t really expect that from a thoroughly modern couple, would you? They had “been together” for a few years. In today’s social climate, and especially in Hollywood, that’s an accomplishment in itself. Sadly, it is becoming more and more of an accomplishment in far too many segments of our society. I remember seeing a short clip of an interview with the woman who was no longer a part of this relationship. She was asked when a person “knows it’s over.” Her answer was, “When…
When Attendance Declines, Don’t Automatically Blow Everything Up
I heard of it happening again not far away from where I live. As is always the case, it led to some hurt feelings and a great deal of confusion, even though I am certain such was not the intent. It followed a particular pattern that is so often seen. Some program or series of events begins to hit a lull in attendance. Leaders, out of what I believe is typically a great place in their hearts, begin to try to figure out what is going on. And, in an effort to stem the tide of losing numbers, they choose to completely change things up. Basically, they blow up the…
What is Life Worth?
The title of this article is also the title of a book. The subtitle of the book is The Unprecedented Effort to Compensate the Victims of 9/11. The author of the book, Kenneth R. Feinberg, was appointed by the then-Attorney General of the United States, John Ashcroft, to administer a fund that had been created just eleven days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Congress had set no limit on the size of the awards and had given Mr. Feinberg very few guidelines. Of course, he had a staff, but every final decision about an appropriate amount to be awarded to those who lost loved ones and/or those…
Shared Poetry
I did a Ladies’ Day in Elk City Oklahoma a few days ago. It was a great day and the ladies did an excellent job with the decorations, lunch, and other activities. One of my favorite parts of the day was a poem that was written by one of their ladies, Pam Hagerman. It was so moving as she presented it and I asked her permission to share it with all of you. It did not have a title on the sheets she gave me, so I present it here to you in its entirety. In guilt and fear Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.…