Church Life
Hidden Influence
It happened again in this week’s ladies’ Bible class. We were reading from Genesis 17 when God reaffirms His covenant with Abram, changing his name to Abraham. This is also where God institutes the sign of the covenant – circumcision. The focus of our lesson was on the underlying meaning of circumcision as it is used throughout scripture. It represents a choice to obey and make ourselves more sensitive to God’s will over our own. But what I noticed (as I often do) was a side note. It’s found in verses 24-27: “Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old…
How Can Ecclesiastes 7:2 Be True?
The one who calls himself “the preacher” in Ecclesiastes 1:1 stated, “It is better to go the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting” (7:2). Often, when we hear that verse quoted, we wonder how it can possibly be true. Yet, in the rest of that same verse, a reason is given for this statement: “For this [the house of mourning, ADF] is the end of all mankind, and the living will lay it to heart.” We live in a world where feasting (or, as we might say it, living it up) is seen as the end-all-be-all. We just want to be happy and think about…
What About Worship on Vacation?
For the past two weeks, my wife and children have been on fall break. During this time we typically take some type of vacation out of town. If you are like us, a part of your plan includes trying to figure out where you are going to worship on Sunday and what you will do for some type of mid-week Bible study. This set of circumstances begs the question, “What are the correct attitudes and practices concerning worship for Christians when they are temporarily away from home?” First of all, we need to educate ourselves on what God’s word reveals about our duties for worship. It should not take much…
“How to Lead Like George Washington”
A recent edition of The Wall Street Journal contained an article that I found fascinating. The title of the article was the same as the title of this post: “How to Lead like George Washington.” The article contained a great amount of information about leadership. The focus seemed to be on how present-day leaders in various fields could learn some lessons from “the father of our country.” The author, Sam Walker, mentioned some leadership models and philosophies advocated by some and apparently practiced by many today that are not working. After discussing some of these models, the author turned his attention to the leadership qualities possessed and exhibited by Mr. Washington as…
One More Reason I Can’t Watch “That” Movie
How would you feel if you knew your preacher had cheated on his wife over 100 times in the previous week and then presented a sermon on sexual purity on Sunday morning? What would you think of a Bible class teacher who posted on Facebook that she had had over 100 drinks on Saturday night, then taught a young ladies’ class about the dangers and sin of consuming alcohol? Would you be okay with a dad who smoked over 100 marijuana joints during a week sitting his kids down and having a family devotional on the evils of drugs? I think we know the answer to those questions. They are…
Why People Starve to Death
Starvation is no laughing matter. Close to a billion people go hungry annually. Statistics say a child dies of hunger in our world every five seconds. Hunger is understood to be the most extreme form of poverty, as individuals or families cannot afford to meet their most basic need for food. Our son Daniel has always been a picky eater. One night years ago when he was just a toddler he refused to eat even two bites of grilled chicken at suppertime. I remember this epic battle of parents versus child. My wife and I decided to go the distance. For more than 24 hours he refused to eat the…
Some Things I Learned from the Kavanaugh Hearings
Please do not stop reading. This post is not intended to be political. It is not intended as a commentary on the moral condition of our society. It is not written because I have an “ax to grind” about anybody involved in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings which were (are) intended to determine whether or not a particular individual is qualified to serve on the highest court in our nation. Like most who may read these words, I have some opinions about all of those things. However, I would like for all of us (yes including me) to think of some things that I learned. It might be more appropriate to say that I…
I Just Want to Teach Them…
It has been an interesting beginning to this school year. Our town is growing and that means our school population is growing as well. One thing I keep hearing from teachers and school officials across the county is that we have more students this year from families with more challenges. That leads to challenges at school. In light of all these challenges, teachers are stretching themselves to meet the social and emotional needs of their students before we can try to work on academics. In light of that, I need to repent because of something I have said this year. Multiple times I have made the statement, “I just want…
Just Because You’re Passionate…
Today’s post comes right from my heart, but it is also written with me in mind. This is a reminder that I need on a regular basis. It also is not meant to cause people to become namby-pamby. There are times when Christians must be bold. (I seem to recall my Lord driving people out of the temple.) That said, I am sickened by what I see, virtually constantly, by Christians who are passionate about issues. Yes, I am concerned about the state of America. Yes, I care about issues. Yes, I have views and opinions on these things. Too often, though, we let our passion drive us to do…
What Are Your Spiritual Goals?
If I were to ask you what you planned to do with the rest of your life, what would you say? I understand that the answer to this question would depend on some level as to how old you are and where you are in your life. But I am pretty sure that the specifics of the answer would be related to your activity in the physical world. For example, you would say something about your occupation, your dwelling, your retirement – something along those lines. After all, the world is where we are living, right? And making your way in the world is what life is all about, right? Wrong.…