A Suggestion for a New Year’s Resolution (That Is Appropriate at Any Time)
As I type these words, we are only a few days from “ringing in” another new year. In my earlier years, I couldn’t understand why anybody would go to bed before midnight on New Year’s Eve. I have since found out that a new year can begin just fine without me being awake to welcome it. I’ve also learned that making resolutions all too often proves to be futile exercise. I’m sure that most of us mean well, but it seems that our resolve also falters after a few weeks or months. Since many of us are already thinking about a meaningful resolution, I’d like to suggest one. If we…
Peace, Perfect Peace
I don’t know about you, but I am almost stretched to my limit. There has been shopping, wrapping, baking, making, attending, laundering, cleaning, listing, packing, dispensing, writing, studying…and the list just goes on and on! When I finally sat down last night (exhausted), I wondered where the peace was that I hear and read about during this season? For some reason, a song came to mind. We don’t sing it often but maybe we should. The words of the first verse just kept going through my mind and I calmed down as I thought about their message and meaning. I decided to look it up in our song book and…
A Sermon Every Parent Needs to Hear
My post today is a simple link, but one that I really feel could help each parent who reads this. It is also in the same “lane” as dad’s post from earlier this week about how the best gifts do not have to cost any money at all. Maybe you need to pause your Christmas preparations to listen to this, or maybe you can listen while you drive to some destination this holiday season. But, no matter what, I pray you will take a few minutes to be built up by it. It is by Glenn Colley and is entitled, “7 Gifts to Give Your Children.” Please take a few…
Some Last-Minute Gift Ideas
How many times have you spent a great deal of time and given much thought to a gift for a child only to watch that child play with the box more than what was in the box? Have you ever bought or received something as a gift and then have found it later in a drawer or hidden away somewhere unused (or used very little)? Have you reached the age and/or stage in life where you tell your family to not buy you any gifts because you either realize that you have everything you really need and/or that you can get what you might want for yourself? Gift giving can…
How (Not) to Accept Thanks
Considering the name of tomorrow’s holiday includes the word “giving,” it is only fitting that we spend the vast majority of our time in this season thinking about how we should be giving thanks, ultimately to God, but also to other people. Sometimes we struggle to show gratitude, so these reminders are necessary and helpful. That said, is it not also true that we sometimes struggle to appropriately be the recipient of thanks? When someone gives us a heartfelt “thank you,” we can often respond in ways that do not truly accept the thanks and, if we are not careful, can even be off-putting to the one who has shown…
An Unusual Thanksgiving Post
The following material may be familiar to some who read it. It is from The Hiding Place, a book written by Corrie Ten Boom. She wrote about some of the experiences that she had while in a Nazi concentration camp. The person identified as Betsie in this material is the sister of Corrie Ten Boom. The material is from a section of the book entitled “Barrack 28.” I’m offering this material at this time for those of us who may be struggling to think of something for which to be thankful at this season of the year or at any time for that matter. It is my conviction that most,…
Episode 156: Our 2021 Thankful List [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not showing or working? Click here to listen.) An annual tradition on the podcast, we take an episode to name some things we are thankful for this year. Turner, Mary Carol, Leah, and Adam all chime in with five things each. Enjoy! Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
For about a month now I have been getting rid of things we don’t need or use. I’ve been cleaning out closets, cabinets, and the garage. The donation center has seen us often and will probably see us a few more times before I’m finished! I asked myself, “Why do we have all of this stuff?” I know the answer – we bought it because we wanted it, but did we really need it?? Did any of it really make our lives better, or were we just filling a perceived need? Were we trying to make others think more highly of us with things, and not with actions? I’ve done…
Pedestal Perils
Pedestals are used for a variety of reasons. We might be talking about the part of a vase that lifts the contents of the vase a little higher than would otherwise be the case. Maybe you have walked into a jewelry store and have noticed a pedestal being used to elevate one particular watch, necklace, or ring above all of the others. It could be a bakery, an art gallery, or a host of other places that make use of pedestals. I think you get the idea. There is a subtle message when a pedestal is used. That message is something like: “Everything you’re looking at is special, but the…
How Much More Will We Give?
Often, I write (or at least jot down the main ideas for) my posts a few days–or sometimes weeks–in advance. But there are times when that schedule gets changed and I feel as if I need to write something “in the moment,” even if it means I know some people are going to be upset; maybe even angry. Today is one of those days, but first, a couple of “admissions.” Admission #1 is where this post came from. I was saddened Sunday night. As I saw pictures flood in of Christian young people trick-or-treating or having Halloween parties while congregations were meeting for evening worship services across the country, it…