
  • Church Life,  Family

    How Long?

    Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do wicked people seem to thrive? These are just two of the hard questions people ask when they are hurting. It often seems that faithful servants of God are hurting while wicked people of the world are enjoying all the pleasures of sin. This has been a question for hundreds of years. Consider that even the psalmist in Psalm 94:3 asked, “Lord, how long will the wicked, How long will the wicked triumph?” As I was recently reading 2 Peter it struck me anew that while our human perspective frames these situations this way, nothing that happens surprises God and He is fully aware of who deserves…

  • Family,  Parenting,  Tech

    Some Very Early Thoughts on Owning a Disney Circle

    Photo: Circle Media I know we are late to the game, but we finally bought a Circle from Disney for our house. As our kids get older and the use of devices just seems to go up, we knew it was time (past time, to be honest) to get something to help protect our family in various ways online. If you aren’t familiar with Circle, there are two different kinds to know about. The type we bought simply pairs with your home’s WiFi router and covers all devices that are connected to that WiFi.The Circle “Go” is a paid system (month-by-month) that covers all devices no matter where they are.…

  • Family

    Why Kind and Gentle is Better

    Growing up I had a great uncle named Bob Byrd. He was not only a great uncle by definition (my grandfather Tatum’s brother-in-law), he was a great uncle in the sense of being great to me. He was fun. He was kind and gentle and full of laughter. I can never remember a moment when he was in a bad mood. He loved to play cards and games and to do all of the things kids do. He taught me how to water ski. He taught me card tricks and tricks with coins. He loved to spend time with and entertain all of the small children. Uncle Bob was fighter…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Blame It On a Former President

    I am writing this shortly after the death of President George H. W. Bush. As one might expect, people whose names are easily recognizable are remembering him. World leaders, family members, people who worked for him in his various roles in government, people from the various news media, and others are sharing their memories of a man who one prominent news reporter regarded, until Mr. Bush’s death, as (in his words) “the greatest living American.” I am, in no way, a prominent person. As far as I know, the closest I ever got to president Bush was a few feet away from a television screen – and there was no telling where he…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 115: Taking Young People Deeper in Bible Study [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Young people need a growing foundation of knowledge in the Word of God. Too often, though, we jump from “Bible stories” to nothing more than teen issues, and we do not teach them deeper things of Scripture. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah encourage Bible school teachers and parents to keep going deeper into a study of the Word with their young people. More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher…

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  • Family,  Parenting

    Whining Kids Getting a Pool is What’s Wrong with Parenting

    I have thought about writing this post for a long time. By now, the commercial has been on for months. I don’t watch a lot of “regular” TV, so I haven’t seen it that often, but the first time I saw it, it grated at me, and the more I have seen it in recent weeks, it has only made me angrier. It is the Northwestern Mutual commercial with the whiney girl who ends up getting a pool for her horrible attitude. If you can stomach it, here is the full commercial: How is it that this is supposed to be representative of good parenting? How is it possible that…

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  • Books,  Church Life,  Family

    3 Steps to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

    Well, you made it all the way to January 2. So how are those resolutions going? In all seriousness, it is estimated that nearly 4 out of 5 New Year’s resolutions each year go unfulfilled. Some of that, I think, is because some people make resolutions just site because they feel like they have to, and never actually intend to do them. For others, though, it is simply not knowing how to attack those resolutions. So, if you made some goals for 2019 and want to help yourself in working through them, here are a few practical steps. Make Mini Goals If you make one massive goal for the year,…

  • Church Life,  Family

    3 Things You Can Do to Make This Next Year Better

    Everybody comes to resolution time on January 1, and according to polls recently taken, the same basic resolutions remain the most popular: exercise, eat better, lose weight, quit smoking, get a new job, be happier – et cetera. I guess this goes to show that we struggle in certain areas on a regular basis. But I came across a passage in the Old Testament that I believe can supply an alternative to the typical resolutions we all make. In Leviticus 25 you can read about the “Sabbath year” and the year of Jubilee. The Sabbath year was the 7th year in which the Israelites were to allow the field to…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Taking Assessment of Your Life

    I’m sentimental and nostalgic by nature. I think about the meaning of life on a regular basis and I tend to look back on everything I have experienced up to this point almost daily. Life is an incredible gift from God and we need to keep that fact at the forefront of our minds. But I suppose that a greater portion of the world’s people come to the end of the year and they celebrate Christmas and New Year’s and quickly just go on to the next thing. After all, this is what we have been programmed to do in this fever-pitched, fast-paced 21st-century world. But I want you to…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 114: Majoring in Majors, Doing Things that are Their Own Reward, and More [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah share a lot of thoughts for parents. Using two resources, they talk about making sure families major in what is really important, and then discuss how we need to involve children in activities that are their own reward (gardening, cooking, etc.). Resources “The Major Thing” (Refuge Church) “What If…” (Facebook) More from A Legacy of Faith To subscribe to A Legacy of Faith by email for free click here. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes Subscribe via rss Find us on Stitcher Radio Visit the show archives

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