
  • Church Leadership,  Parenting

    It’s Not Just about Coaching Styles

    A recent conversation about a couple of basketball coaches made me do some thinking. It didn’t take long for my thinking to go way beyond college basketball. I started thinking about how parents relate to their children, how elders and preachers relate to the congregations they serve, how bosses relate to employees, etc. As I thought about all of that, I began to realize that some individuals who are in positions of some authority focus on mistakes. The emphasis seems to be on what was done wrong, how someone didn’t live up to expectations, etc. A great deal of emphasis is put on things done, not done, or not done correctly.…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    You Don’t Love If…

    First Corinthians 13 is a beautiful passage. In context, the description of love is meant to show the church at Corinth a “more excellent way” than even the miraculous spiritual gifts with which they were endowed. With the age of miracles passing, though, this description of love still challenges and loves Christians the world over. Each individual aspect of this description of love is worth serious consideration, but there is one that I want to focus on for a moment today. It is one that should cause each of us to think, but it is one that should also be taught to our children and reinforced by everyone. It is…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Put It in Their Minds Early!

    Not long ago, I heard a short snippet of a song that I had not heard in years. As I thought about it, I don’t think I had heard so much as a single note of the song in at least 20 years. But immediately, upon hearing those few seconds, I remembered a little more. Of course, I did a little online digging and found the full song. While I can’t tell you I remembered every word, it was remarkable how much of the song was still in my mind somewhere. And that was true despite the fact that the song had run up the charts and then quickly back…

  • Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

    Who’s to Blame?

    I want to share with you something that I found to be interesting and challenging at the same time. Along with that, it is also a very good reason for self-examination. I listened to a podcast during which a father had a conversation with his adult son. The subject most discussed during the conversation/interview was the son’s addiction to drugs and alcohol. Fortunately, he has been “clean” now for a number of years.     What interested me was the motivating factor that led to his recovery. The discussion turned to the idea that people need to “hit bottom” before they can turn things around. It surprised me to learn that the…

  • Family,  Parenting

    The World Has Our Kids Because…

    It has been a long time since I was a full-time youth minister. Since then, though, one of the joys of my life has been that, at each of the three congregations for which I have preached–Lebanon Road, 9th Avenue, and Central–the elders have specifically told me that they would like me to have a part in helping with the youth program. What fascinates me a great deal of the time is how little has changed. Oh sure, there have been technological changes and other things like that, but people are people and, just like Solomon wrote, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Tragically, one of the things that…

  • Family,  Parenting

    It Was Only a Nickel

    When I was growing up as a little girl, we lived next door to my paternal grandparents. Those were much simpler times and life seemed easier. We lived within one block of a small ice cream stand that could actually be seen from my grandparent’s porch. A small ice cream cone cost 5 cents – one nickel! (I know some of you are thinking of just how old I am!) On one particularly hot summer day, my grandpa was sitting out on the front porch and I decided to ask him if I could have a nickel to get an ice cream cone. He reached into his pocket and held…

  • Family,  Parenting

    What Would a Song and a Rainbow Have to Do with Parenting?

    Some who read this will know (or at least know of) Lance Cordle. I became acquainted with him when Donna and I moved to western Kentucky almost thirty years ago. Lance had already been preaching for the church of Christ in Calvert City, Kentucky for about seven years then and continued to do so until about a year ago. My brother and very good friend is now preaching in Atwood, Tennessee. In the “you can’t make this stuff up department,” Atwood is where he moved from when he moved to Calvert City all those years ago. I look forward each week to getting the church bulletin “The Atwood Ambassador” online…

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  • Family,  Parenting

    Dear Freed-Hardeman

    This coming Saturday, Leah and I will have a pretty major life change. Our daughter, Mary Carol, will be moving into a dorm at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee. While she’s still our daughter (and always will be!), we all realize that things just will not be like they have been for the last almost-19 years. We are entrusting our daughter to a university that we love. We know it is not a perfect place. We fully realize things could not go the way we (or she) might want. No place is perfect. But we are blessed to know so many people at FHU, and we know that they have…

  • Family,  Legacy of Faith Podcast,  Parenting

    Episode 173: The Importance of Regular Family Outings Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here.) For the last 18 months, Adam, Leah, and the kids have taken monthly family outings. In this episode, Adam and Leah talk about the importance of these special trips and some ideas to do this on a budget. Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    Every Kid Included

    I’ve seen it, and it’s sad. It’s sad that it would happen anywhere, but when it happens in one particular location, it is heartbreaking. And it really hurts when it’s your own kid. It’s when, for some reason, a young person is not part of the youth group. Oh, they are part of it by age or grade, but, for all intents and purposes, they are outside the group. And it’s as much the fault of the adults in charge as it is the young people who are being taught. Of course kids (yes, even church kids) can form little clans and can, at times, be quite mean about things.…