Free Resource: Esther Review Sheets for Family Devotionals [Printable]
Last Wednesday, we released review sheets to help teach the book of Ruth to your children. [Find out more here.] We also promised, though, that something else was coming this Wednesday. So today, we are pleased to let you know that we have review sheets for another book of the Bible ready to release, and it is the wonderful book of Esther. As with our sheets on Matthew and Ruth, these sheets each contain about 10 questions directly from the text, 3 or 4 discussion questions, and a memory verse. Also, as with the other sheets, these were created during little snippets of time, so we are certain you’ll find…
Free Resource: Ruth Review Sheets for Family Devotionals [Printable]
Several months ago, we shared with you some review sheets we used in our family to teach and review the book of Matthew in our family devotionals. [Find out more here.] Today, we are sharing another book of the Bible and (are you ready?) next week we will release another! The free pdf we are sharing today is from the book of Ruth and consists of a single pdf that is divided into six lessons. Each lesson contains questions straight from the text (usually about 8-10), review questions (3 or 4), and one memory verse. As usual, I made these on my lunch breaks or between meetings, so you will…
“…To No One’s Regret”
Power, notoriety, and influence do not necessarily translate into respect, honor, and love. This can be seen in the inspired information we have concerning a man who had all of the former and none of the latter. His name was Jehoram. During his life, he held a position of great authority. He was the king of Judah for eight years. You can read some information about him and his reign in 2 Chronicles 21. That information ends with these words: He was thirty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem. And he departed to no one’s regret. They buried him in the city of David, but not in the…
Spiritual Beauty
A couple of weekends ago, I spoke at a ladies’ day on the topic of spiritual beauty. As I prepared for this topic, I consulted Sheila Butt’s book, Seeking Spiritual Beauty. In chapter 4, Sheila writes, We need to make sure that young ladies in the church are taught and demonstrated the right priorities. We need to let them know that they are made in the image of God and that they are very special. We need to praise them for visiting the nursing homes and taking care of a young mother’s children for her. We need to praise them for their modesty and their love and concern for others.…
Could Football (or Any Other Sport) Cost Us Our Soul?
I love sports. That needs to be said right at the outset of this article. Often, I read or hear people talk about how sports are ruining society, but they are people who do not like sports in the first place. (It would be somewhat like me writing about how shoe shopping is ruining us!) It is great to go to games and relax in front of the TV at times to watch a good game. As I said, I love sports. All that said, today I am writing a post to me first, but one I pray will be read as it is intended. The title of this article…
Episode 62: Building a Future Library for Our Children (with Brad McNutt) Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not displaying or working? Click here.) Reading is an essential part of life, and we want to challenge our children in reading. On this week’s podcast, Adam is joined by Brad McNutt, who is doing something interesting for his very young son. He is building a “future library” of books he wants his son to have when he is an adult. On the program, Brad talks about what gave him the idea, and also gives some recommendations if you would like to start such a library for your child. (The recommendations are listed below.) Brad’s Book Recommendations Gods at War: Defeating the…
Training. Equipping. Arming. Aiming.
Training. Equipping. Arming. Aiming. These are words that come to my mind as I think about my children – both my own 3 precious children and those whose time and moldable minds are entrusted to me at different times during the week. In particular, this concept came to mind this week after our Sunday afternoon Bible Bowl practice. This year, the organizers of the annual Bible Bowl held in Cookeville chose the Old Testament book of Leviticus for us to study. They limited the chapters we are studying to make it age appropriate for even our youngest “bowlers” but there is still a lot of meat (pun intended) in this…
[Quote] The Top Priority in Your Home
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[Quote] Balance in Parenting
SOURCE: Be the Dad She Needs You to Be: The Indelible Imprint a Father Leaves on His Daughter’s Life by Kevin Leman (page 162)
Resource: Advanced Bible Reader from Apologetics Press
It is now the middle of summer. The heat is causing your kids to want to stay indoors all the time, and it feels like the beginning of school is never going to get here. You want your children to still be kids, but at the same time you don’t want them to just waste all summer on the couch watching television. What can you do? Today, I want to share a great resource we recently signed our kids up for that we are already loving….and it’s free! It’s called Advanced Bible Reader (or “ABR” for short), and it is a great faith-building resource from our friends at Apologetics Press. What…