Do We Really Understand Commitment
She had waited for this day for several months. They had been dating for a couple of years and had a serious relationship that they both knew would end in marriage. On this particular night, her months of waiting finally came to an end. After a wonderful dinner, and a walk by the river, he got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife. She accepted the beautiful ring and answered with a “yes.” Did she really know the commitment she was making? This young man loved the game of basketball. As a freshmen in high school, he tried out for the team and was selected to be one of the…
Episode 35 : Five Devotional Ideas for Busy Families [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here.) Many families feel as if they need to have family devotionals, but are so busy. Others feel as if they lack creativity to come up with ideas for family devotionals. In this episode of the podcast, Adam is joined by five busy moms–Erin Wells, Rebecca Stewart, Connie Rader, Kathy Pollard, and Amber Tatum–who share simple and valuable family devotional ideas that any busy family can do. RESOURCES Kaio Publications’ “Family Devotional” Object Lessons [Video] Rebecca Stewart’s son singing “This is My Father’s World” (Facebook) “Life and Favor” (Kathy Pollard’s blog) “Training for Worship” devotional ideas [pdf] [Blog post]…
An Adopted Treasure
Her birthday is Wednesday. It doesn’t seem possible, but she will be ten years old. It is not true that she has been a part of our family for a decade. She’s been a part of our family and our hearts since we first learned that there would be an addition to our family. I’m sure that is the case with most families. As soon as it is discovered that a child will be born, the love already starts. There are months of prayer and preparation. Both anticipation and excitement build. However, it was not quite that way with her. Unlike most families, we only found out that she would be our granddaughter seven weeks before…
Episode 34 : A Short Social Media Reminder for Parents [Podcast] Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS(Player not working? Click here.) Social media is everywhere. It is part of almost all our lives, whether we want it to be or not. From news reporters telling us to “tweet in” updates to virtually every business asking us to “like us” on Facebook, it is all around us. However, social media can teach our children some things that need to be discussed. This week, Adam comes to you with a solo program and shares some thoughts on social media. This shorter episode is based upon this article, which shares some talking points parents need to have with their kids about social…
Something Every Parent Needs to Read
Rarely do we not have a full post for you. However, sometimes something comes across that we just want to share with you. That is the case with today’s article. Instead of us writing something, we want to send you over to another site, for the family, for a great article. Those who are married and raising children absolutely must read this article. “Is Parenting Threatening Your Marriage?“
It’s Also Time to #ShoutYourAbortionForgiveness
In recent days, a sensation has made waves online that has so many people up in arms, and rightly so. A movement started on Twitter and quickly moved to other social media platforms. It was a chance for women who had aborted a child to no longer whisper about it, but to proudly bring that out in the open. It was given the social treatment with a hashtag: #ShoutYourAbortion. Some “shouted” about their experience and wanted to do it again. Some did so, and were just thankful that someone had given them an outlet to share that they were not sorry for their abortion. They felt liberated by the viral nature of…
What I Learned While Re-Styling Our Playset
It was past time. The wooden playset/swingset we bought 2 houses ago has moved with us and provided hours of fun for our three children. However, time and weather had taken their toll and the original redwood finish was looking pretty dull. Not only that, but a couple of structural pieces had been damaged and needed repair or replacement. Now, many parents would just get out there and fix up this special place of childhood joy for their little angels. Not this mean mom. I decided this was a project we could all do together! You know: make memories, learn work ethic, have fun together … in short, end our…
In Case You Forgot How Much God Loves You
When our son Luke was five years old he suffered a severe break in his right arm. While running through our sunroom, he tripped over a toy and landed awkwardly, instantly breaking his radius and ulna bones. I was about 30 minutes away driving to the hospital to visit an ailing church member. My wife was in another room in our house when she heard the bones snap. She somehow gathered up Luke and our infant son and put them in the van and got to the hospital. I received the call. I turned around. I did not stop until I joined them there. The break was too bad to…
How We Do Family Movie Night [Video]
We love our family tradition of having a family movie night. To share how this family tradition got started, we (of course) recorded a video! We hope this shows you how we have this tradition, despite busy schedules and how we make it a relaxed and inexpensive evening that our kids love! (Video not playing? Click here to view on YouTube.) BONUS: Tonight, we are going to be on Periscope ( @faughn4 ) recording a broadcast on which we will share our favorite family movie night films. We will also talk about our process for selecting the movies we show. Join in the broadcast and leave comments to interact with…
Don’t Follow the Dog!
He usually played in the back yard or in the field that adjoined it, but on this day, he found himself being lured into the front yard. His attention had been drawn to a cute little dog he hadn’t seen before. He was only allowed to cross the gravel road for one reason. If one of his parents gave him permission to retrieve the mail from the mailbox on the other side of the road, he could do so, but only after hearing the familiar, “Be sure you look both ways!” But on this day, he crossed the road without looking both ways and without permission. He couldn’t waste that much time. His new…