Week of January 13 “Into the Heart of the Bible” and “Something from the Margin of My Bible”
This week on Leah’s video series, she begins a two-part episode on the period of the wilderness wanderings. To watch the episode, click here or watch below. On the podcast, Adam gives a couple of quick notes on Philippians 2:6-8. To listen, click here.
3 Very Random Things for You
Sometimes, I have several ideas I’d like to share for a blog post, but none are fully fleshed out. Sometimes, there is something that pops up before I publish a post (I usually have them in at least rough idea form a couple of weeks early) that I feel just needs to be shared. Well, today’s post is a combination of those things. Instead of one longer post, I’ve got three shorter things to pass along on very random items, but each will, I hope, be something you are encouraged by. 1 – My Valentine. Today is Valentine’s Day and, once again, every other guy on earth is fighting for…
In Need of Help
On June 18, 2008, a woman named Esmin Green passed away due to blood clots in her legs. Sadly, deaths like this are common, but there is one thing about Green’s death that stands out to me. She was in a hospital waiting room when she died. Looking at the surveillance footage, it appears as if Green slumps over in her chair, and soon slips to the floor, struggling to get up. Others waiting in the room refuse to help; they barely even acknowledge her. Amazingly, a guard rolls in on his swivel chair, but, disgustingly, he doesn’t even get out of his chair. After a large amount of time,…
It Is NOT July 4th
This is scheduled to post on the date that our nation’s first vice-president and second president wrote a letter to his wife. Included in that letter was a prediction about how John Adams thought our nation’s independence from England would be celebrated. I am apt to believe that [Independence Day] will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever…
Some Thoughts at the Beginning of a New Year
This should be posted on the second day of a (still) new year. By now, most of us have already had time to fail on one or two of the resolutions we thought we had made as the new year began. I thought that it would be good before we got too far into the new year for me to review some material from one of my favorite speakers of all time. I don’t listen to or read material from a lot of what some people call “motivational speakers/writers,” but I did have the privilege of hearing Zig Ziglar speak a couple of times in person during his lifetime, have listened…
Cut To the Heart
I was recently preparing a sermon and took a little time to reflect on a well-known phrase from the New Testament. The sermon was not primarily about the phrase, but it served as an important piece of the lesson. However, what I was reflecting on was not something connected with the sermon, so I decided to save these thoughts for an article. The phrase is from Acts 2, where, when Peter spoke to those at Pentecost about Jesus and convinced them that they were guilty of crucifying the Messiah, the text says they were “cut to the heart.” That imagery is powerful, to say the least. But here is what…
Praise Your Congregation to Others
Are congregations perfect? No! Since each congregation is made up of people, there will be missteps, foibles, quirks, and (sometimes) sins that need to be addressed and worked on. People will have hurt feelings, strained relationships, and (sadly) worse at times. That said, what we share with the world matters. When we are in private conversations or on social media, we need to share the best about the Lord’s Church because the world needs to be drawn to His body. Now, does that mean that we lie? Not in the least. In fact, that is why I started this article the way I did: by admitting that no congregation is…
Not-So-Random Thoughts on Gathering
I’ve had this post in my head and in “rough” form for quite awhile, but finalized and scheduled it in the week leading up to a special day at Central. But this is not a “commercial” post (although, it would mean a lot if you’d be with us this coming Sunday for our special day!). We are having a special day Sunday that we have nicknamed “Gather” Sunday. Our flyers use the phrase “When We All Get Together,” and that also will serve as the title of my sermon for the morning assembly. Knowing this day has been coming for a long time has caused me to do a lot…
Episode 150: Blessings of the Family Table [Podcast]
https://media.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/content.blubrry.com/faughnfamily/Legacy_Podcast_150.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS (Player not displaying or working? Click here to listen.) So many good things happen when families sit down around their own table and enjoy a meal together. On this week’s podcast, Adam and Leah discuss some of those blessings and encourage you to try eating together at your table this week! Find our podcast on… Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher TuneIn Radio RSS
I Stand — Even When I Don’t
This post may be somewhat shorter than some I write. At the same time, it may be sufficiently long enough to get me in trouble with some people. In some circles, there has been a growing trend during the past few years to add a little (or a lot of) “choreography” along with songs of praise and worship. I know I’m an old fogey, but I’m not planning to be in one of those circles. Please allow me to provide one example of what I am talking about. Some of us are familiar with a song that, after mentioning some of the wonderful attributes of God, contains the words, “I stand in awe of…