Church Life

Eternal Life is More Than Just Long

When you see the word “eternal” what do you think of?


Really long.

So-long-you-try-to-compare-it-to-an-ant-walking-around-a-steel-ball long. (Yeah, I’ve heard that one, too.)

What about when you hear “eternal life?” What do you think of?

Most of the time, we just think of going to heaven and just sort of being there, and not really comprehending the length of it. It is tragic that we almost think of eternal life as something that must be endured instead of enjoyed!

But did you know that Jesus defined “eternal life” for us?

And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (John 17:3)

Eternal life is all wrapped up in God. It is knowing God and His Son. It is intimate knowledge of Him.

The joy of heaven is that we will know Him fully, because we will finally see Him face-to-face. As the old song puts it, “Face to face in all His glory, I shall see Him by and by.” As another song states, “When I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace.”

And that will last forever.

You see, it is not just that heaven will last a really, really, really long time that makes it appealing. It is that in heaven, we will finally know what life really is all about and we will get to experience that fullness of life–the full knowledge of God–forever and ever.

No, I can’t comprehend how long eternity is, but I can long for knowing God fully and basking in that inexpressible joy forever.

If I may quote one more song, “Don’t you want to go to that land?”


Photo credit: Nicolai Zoffman on Creative Commons

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