• Church Life,  Evangelism

    When to Shake Off the Dust

    A number of years ago–in another location–I preached a sermon that I believe was titled, “The Hardest Work You’ll Ever Try to Do.” It was a very personal sermon, but one that I knew needed to be preached at that time. The point of the sermon was to encourage Christians to put forward the effort to try to not just win the lost, but to also try to encourage those who had slipped away in their faith. And, in many ways, that second one can be harder. For me, it is something I have a heart for, but my struggle is one that is really simply stated: I never know…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Tech

    When “Googled” Becomes “Taped”

    It doesn’t take long in our world for something to become obsolete. I’m old enough to remember when my parents got their first television. I thought it was wonderful. The three of us could sit in front of a fairly large piece of furniture and watch comedies, westerns, sports, news, etc. in “living black and white” as long as the antenna was working properly. Back then I never dreamed that I’d ever have a color television that I could hang on a wall and have my choice of what to watch on more than three channels. It never occurred to me back then that I could choose the channel I wanted to watch, find that…

  • Church Life,  Tech

    More Christian Encouragement

    We rarely post on Fridays (unless we release a podcast…which…well…we don’t do often), but I wanted to share a rare Friday post today. The reason is to let you know about some other things in which I (Adam) am involved on a regular basis through Central that you may find encouraging. While we do other things online from Central (livestreaming services, “Central Focus” videos, and more), here are three that are fairly new that I hope you find encouraging. Central Sermons Podcast. While we have podcasted our sermons before, we have run into a lot of trouble with our feed in the past. So, recently, we relaunched our sermon podcast…

  • Church Life,  Tech

    You Say It Best…

    Several years ago, a former NFL coach became a meme when he was fuming about how many people get into trouble for things they text or share on social media. The meme was him very quickly and passionately saying, “Don’t press send!” My article today is a “backup” article. By that I mean this: I had one ready to publish (I try to have ideas done several weeks in advance in possible and then write the posts out a week or so ahead of time) and it was done except for the graphic. Then…I re-read it. While I actually think the article is true and the overall message is one…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    Pauline Kael, The Apostle Paul, and Echo Chambers

    Pauline Kael was a film critic for The New Yorker magazine from 1968 to 1991. The magazine for which she worked may give you a clue about her political leanings. That fact may also give you a clue to the kind of people who were in her circle of associates and friends. She is probably best known today for a quote about politics than she is for any opinion about a movie. In 1972, Richard Nixon won reelection for the office of President of the United States by winning 60.7% of the popular vote and receiving the electoral votes of forty-nine of the fifty states. Apparently Ms. Kael was incredulous. The…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Marriage

    ReConnect 2023

    A few years ago, Josh and Amanda Ketchum met up with Leah and me with an idea. They noticed that there was nothing that they knew of for preachers and their wives specifically to help build up their marriages. So, out of that meeting (at Chick-fil-A of course), ReConnect was born. The idea behind ReConnect is simple: it is a two-day retreat that is meant to give encouragement to preachers and their wives. Through lessons, discussion groups, and fellowship, these couples are given an opportunity to step out of the grind of ministry and, well, reconnect. This year, we are glad to have this event again, and we are grateful…

  • Church Life,  Family

    Three Important Words

    If my father happened to still be alive, he might wonder if I ever listened to anything he said. I am now a grandfather (and have been by the time you read this) for twenty-two years. At this point in my life, I wish I had listened more closely to my dad. I know that I’m not the only person to say something like this, but it seems that my father has certainly gotten a lot smarter the older I get. As shocking as it might seem to him, I have really tried to heed one piece of advice he gave me. Dad would probably be really shocked if he knew…

  • Church Life,  Trust God

    All Things Made New

    I had noticed how dusty it was. It looked like a lot of kids were enjoying the sidewalk chalk that our PTO had supplied during recess. There were drawings of teachers and rainbows. Lots of writing practice (that they didn’t even know was writing practice). But all the lines were getting blurry. The chalk had been there for a while and it was fading. Fast forward a day or two to when I took this picture from a window above the same sidewalk. We had gotten a little rain and I noticed something about that faded, dusty sidewalk chalk. A little bit of water had made it bright and fresh…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Parenting

    A Case for the Paper Bible

    First things first: I am not anti-electronic Bible. In fact, I know people who basically must use one if they are going to be able to read the text. A lot of older people with failing eyesight have been blessed by being able to blow up the font size on a tablet to very large sizes so they can continue to read God’s wonderful Word. I use an electronic Bible from time-to-time in special situations. So this is not an article meant to say “don’t ever use one of those techy things.” However… I do want to encourage the vast majority of us–especially parents–to use old-fashioned paper Bibles far more…

  • Church Life

    One More Night with the Frogs

    I am indebted to the late brother Charles Hodge for the title of this post and for the basic thoughts in it. I remember reading some material written by him years ago with this title.   In that material, he discussed the events recorded in Exodus 8:1-15. These verses tell of the second of ten plagues that were visited upon Egypt. As I remember it, brother Hodge described this plague in graphic detail. He reminded those who read his material how ugly and offensive frogs are. He also reminded the readers that, according to the material in Exodus, frogs were everywhere; including on their beds, in their kneading bowls, etc. Please read carefully…