• Church Life

    A Case for “Passing Trays”

    A few weeks ago, our elders said that, beginning in June, we would once again start passing trays to serve the Lord’s Supper on Sunday mornings. For somewhere over two years now, we have utilized the little individual packets, picked up in the foyer and used during communion. They have been a blessing, especially early on during the confusion that was the covid pandemic. But, in about a week and a half, we will start passing those shiny trays again. Is this wise? I believe it is, and I want to share with you some reasons why. First, though, let me say that this is not a “right vs. wrong”…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    The Message of a Pulpit to the Preacher

    Pulpits are interesting things. They come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, configurations, etc. In my experience, the basic function of a pulpit is to provide a convenient place for a preacher to lay his Bible and whatever notes he may have. Some pulpits may have additional things that seemed to be designed to help. There may be a light placed in such a way so as to help the preacher read the material he has placed on the pulpit. There could be a microphone to help amplify his voice. In recent years, some churches have installed screens in pulpits so that the preacher can look down and see the PowerPoint…

  • Church Life

    Jesus Loves Me

    Recently, one of our men at church was presiding over the Lord’s Table as we prepared to partake of the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine which represent the body and blood of Jesus. As is often the case, he helped us focus our minds on the significance of partaking of the Lord’s Supper. He used the words of a beautiful hymn written by J. Wilbur Chapman in 1909. Even though I have sung that song multiple times in my life, hearing them read slowly and purposefully reached my heart. I want to share those words with you and ask you to read them intentionally. One day when heaven…

  • Church Life,  Tech

    The Greatest Post Ever!!!

    We live in an ocean of words. From things said to things written to things typed, words are constantly going into our eyes and ears. As such, sometimes we struggle to feel as if what we have to say can or will get noticed. When that happens, we can feel almost a pressure to make our language more exciting. We feel a need to use superlatives in order to make something seem bigger, better, or more interesting. To a point that is understandable, but at other times, it could be possible that our words undermine us and our faith. Take, for example, how we now so often describe a fun…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    Three Little Letters

    Recently, millions of people were probably watching at least a portion of all of the pageantry that was involved in the coronation of the new monarch of the United Kingdom (and 14 other Commonwealth realms). It is sort of interesting for me to watch a person who is only a couple of months or so younger than I am starting a new career! When I began thinking about this post, I thought about trying to list all of the titles that King Charles III now has. I finally gave up. I was unable to separate official titles from other designations. I do remember, though, that there was some concern before he…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    Graduation Season

    It is that time of year: Caps and gowns. Pomp and Circumstance. Moms crying and kids celebrating. From the youngest preschooler “graduating” to the formal degrees bestowed upon candidates, it is a season of change. This is on my mind this week as my oldest, Luke, graduates with his bachelor’s degree from Freed-Hardeman University. I thought my four years at FHU flew by but that was nothing compared to how fast his have gone. He is ready for the next chapter while I am wondering how I am possibly old enough to have a child graduating from my alma mater! I decided to see what the Bible has to say…

  • Family,  Parenting

    Motherhood Never Stops

    A lot of times, you will hear phrases like that–“motherhood never stops”–to describe the 24/7 nature of the work. There are unceasing demands on your physical and mental energy. The tasks never truly get “done.” There’s no vacation from it and there’s no way to ever feel as if the job is complete. But I mean that phrase today in a different way. Let me explain. Our children are 17 and 16. They aren’t the same as they were at 12 or 6 or 3. That’s obvious, but, sometimes, a mom might wish they were. Still, in just a year or two, we will be empty-nesters. Then what? My wife…

  • Church Life,  Family

    I Guess That We’re All Lucky

    In 1964, the play Funny Girl opened on Broadway. Its star, Barbara Streisand, introduced a song which became one of her most well-known songs for years to come. According to that song… People who need people are the luckiest people in the world. While doing some research on a topic I was recently asked to address, I came across some interesting information. According to something I read, what was called “social isolation” is more detrimental to our health than smoking multiple cigarettes a day. (“Multiple” was not defined.) Since I read that, I’ve also read that social isolation is also worse for our physical health than obesity. On May 2…

  • Family,  Recipies

    Legacy Recipe for Leftovers

    I don’t know if you use up your leftovers at your house or not. I’ve been known to leave them in the refrigerator until they are growing fur and then throw them out. Lately in an effort to not eat out so often, I have been using up our leftover food. I have a friend who said she always used what they had left over. Once a week she would fix a “must-go casserole.” I never tasted it and hope I never have to! However, I discovered a good and easy way to make at least two great meals using one roasted chicken.  Now it’s easy because I buy the roasted…

  • Church Life,  Family

    I Like Quitters

    Because of some travels, I have seen it a number of times in recent months. The first time I saw it, it just made me angry. In the times since, it has continued to do so, but has also made me sad. Now, it is just a billboard, but it is infuriating to me. Frankly, it is offensive to me. Before I tell you what the billboard is for, let me share the tagline, or motto. It states, “No one likes a quitter.” You might think that would be a decent tagline for something like a stay in school campaign. Or, maybe it would be something humorous (but possibly ill-received)…