• Bible study,  Church Life,  Trust God

    Bible Heroes

    When you think about the heroes in the Bible, who comes to your mind? Maybe you think of people like Moses or Joshua leading God’s people out of Egypt and into the promised land. Perhaps Daniel or his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego come to the forefront of your mind because of their bravery in a foreign land. Maybe Esther or Ruth. Maybe you just turn to Hebrews 11 and read through that great “Hall of Faith.” Sometime in the past, I made a note on my phone referencing 2 Corinthians 4 with this thought: God is the hero of every story–even ours–if we keep our eyes on Him. All…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Trust God

    When the Desire is Gone

    How would you like to have been a newspaper reporter during the Great Depression? Can you imagine trying to cover that era and find new angles to something that lasted year after year? Recently, I was reading a book about some events in 1932 and came across a quote from a Chicago newspaper that was truly powerful. A reporter was talking about a posh and exciting event being held in that city, but it was basically right across the street from a park. In that park, many unemployed gathered. Some were homeless, while others just sort of were there to be with others who were in the same pit of…

  • Church Life

    Chameleons — Fascination and Frustration

    I cannot remember a time when I was not fascinated by chameleons. Among all of the defense mechanisms that the Creator built into some of His creation, the ability to change the appearance in order to blend in with the surroundings is one of the most remarkable. From a very early age, I’ve read about chameleons, seen pictures of them, watched videos, etc. At times, it takes some effort to distinguish this lizard-like creature from a leaf, the bark of a tree, and/or whatever else is in the background. It is my understanding that some species are more adept at this transformation than others, but merely the ability to do this is interesting…

  • Church Life,  Family

    I Have No Desire to be Anywhere Else

    Isn’t it wonderful to be content with where you are? Maybe it’s your time in life and you are happy with what you are doing at this particular point in time. Maybe it’s the home in which you live, or maybe it’s the town or state where you are located. I recently heard someone say, while talking about the state in which they live, that they wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I understand what they meant, because I’m somewhat like them, but their statement made me think. Would I really want to be on this earth forever? A song came to my mind, and I’m sure you can guess…

  • Family

    Stop “Adulting” and Start Finding Joy

    I’ll come right out and get myself in trouble: I simply cannot stand the word “adulting.” Or, more accurately, I cannot stand what it often represents. We live in a time when people post on social media and have conversations about “adulting.” They talk about how they had to pay bills with their savings, so “I guess I’m adulting.” They purchase something on sale and brag about their savings because they are “adulting.” They joke about how they actually fixed something themselves because they decided to start “adulting.” It’s actually sad. The reason is simple: we don’t want to grow up. But we should want to grow up. We should…

  • Church Leadership,  Church Life

    Preachers Are People, Too [Repost]

    The following post is the first “rerun” I can remember doing for A Legacy of Faith. The reason that I am doing this has to do with a conversation I had recently while attending Polishing the Pulpit. A brother asked me to send him a copy of this post, but I couldn’t find it at the time. When I did find the post, I could no longer find him and I had no contact information for him. One of the reasons that I couldn’t find the post was that it was written far enough in the past that I was still preaching “full time” when I wrote it. While that is no longer true…

  • Bible study,  Church Life

    A Hidden Message?

    I have had the privilege to be co-coaching our junior high girls at church for Bible Bowl this summer. We have been studying the book of Joshua and recently finished going through the book so we began reviewing. That’s when I noticed something that struck me differently and I wondered if there could be a “hidden message” for us today in some instructions given to the Israelites all those years ago. [Side note and this part is for free: I tell the girls often that these “hidden” gems are part of why I know the Bible is from God. A person can read parts of it for the very first…

  • Church Life,  Evangelism

    When You Can’t Shake the Dust

    It’s happened to me several times, and I would guess it has happened to you also. How do you handle it when you have tried and tried to reach someone with the Gospel or to win someone back to the Lord, but there just seems to be no change–no movement–on their part? When I have struggled with that, people will just say, “You’ve just got to shake the dust off your feet and move on.” I know what they mean. There is just a time to move on and try to reach someone else. I get it. (It’s possible I’ve even given that advice at some point, although I can’t…

  • Bible study,  Church Life,  Evangelism

    Try to Imagine…

    It goes without saying that our world is terribly divided. Nations look with suspicion at one another. The leaders of those nations make threats and take actions that make things worse. Sadly, division is not limited to various nations. Our own society is seemingly hopelessly divided along political, regional, racial, moral, generational, and other lines. At times, the division even exists within families. While all of this is sad to me, the saddest of all of the divisions that exists today is the division that is easily observable among people who call themselves “Christians.” One can drive a street in a town or city of almost any size and find places where people who…

  • Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

    It’s Sunday Morning; Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

    Some of us may remember a message that would appear on our television screens almost every (if not all) evening. As I remember it, just as the 10:00 pm news came on, these words would appear:  It’s 10:00. Do you know where your children are? I grew up in a home in which the parents did not need that “little reminder.” I guess that I kind of resented that at the time, but I’m very thankful now that my parents loved me enough to try to make sure they knew the answer to that question.   I’ve been doing some thinking lately about another question that might need to be asked. What would your answer…

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